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Ronnie Earl LANGUAGE OF THE SOUL The Broadcasters

11-03-2012, 15:32
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Miejscowość Szczecin
Wyświetleń: 9   
Koniec: 13-03-2012 16:52:50

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: w folii
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Ronnie Earl and The Broadcasters
Language Of The Soul
 Nośnik  Wydawca Cena   Waluta
 1 CD  Rounder 49   PLN

  Opis albumu
Down Beat (4/95, p.50) - 4.5 Stars - Very Good Plus - "...Earl indulges in some sparkling, grinding, stomping and bruising, but more often takes the quiet, subtle route in sketching out these tunes that testify to his multifaceted guitar-playing talent..."
Option (3-4/95, p.100) - "...Ronnie Earl has put together another crack band to back him up on this album of instrumentals, and the results are often top-notch....Earl isn't a dazzling virtuoso or a pure feel player--his talents lie between technique and vibe, and with the right tune and arrangement he makes some dazzling music..."

Musician (5/95, p.92) - "...No longer relying on vocalists, the guitarist has staked out a sort of `Magic Sam Meets Blue Note' (or `Grant Green with a Strat') territory all his own...his simple, direct approach is not unlike Albert King's: Find a few effective licks and twist them to fit the surroundings...his most winning combination yet..."

>>> Większa okładka A <<<
Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters - Language Of The Soul

01. Eddie's Gospel Groove (5:11) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
02. Beautiful Child (8:29)
03. Indigo Burrell (5:38) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
04. Blues For Martin Luther King (6:14) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
05. Harvard Square Stomp (4:02) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
06. Barcelona Morning (4:58) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
07. I Am With You (9:04)
08. Green Light (3:59)
09. Through Floods And Storms (4:47)
10. Blue Guitar (5:05)
11. Bill's Blues (2:31)
Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters