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Romanesque Signs, sztuka romańska, Karol Wielki

21-01-2015, 1:06
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numer aukcji: 4922401729
Miejscowość Wierzbica
Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 21-01-2015 01:01:55

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1983
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
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Stephen G. Nichols
Romanesque Signs
Early Medieval Narrative and Iconography
Yale University Press 1983
Stron XIII+248, format: 15,5x23,5 cm
Książka posiada 35 czarno-białych reprodukcji, bez śladów używania.

A classic of medieval scholarship, Romanesque Signs is a model of new medievalism. It demonstrates how artists, architects, chroniclers, and writers created a new artistic style-the Romanesque-in the 11th and 12th centuries. This art form blurs the boundaries between secular and sacred to show how spirituality guided the representation of history in the world, while portraying contemporary events as repeating and thus confirming biblical accounts. Exploring the social role of the century's increasingly public and monumental art forms, Stephen Nichols sees a shaping influence in the perception of life as a divine plan, a perception that revitalized the world of learning by interpreting events in current history as recapitulations of significant events in the past.


List of Illustrations ix
Preface xi
The Discourse of History 1
Histoha and Theosis 15
Charlemagne Redivivus: From History
to Histoha 66
Histoha and the Poetics of the Passion 95
Roncevaux and the Poetics of Place/ Person in the Song of Roland 148
Notes 205
Index 237

Romanesque Signs
Early Medieval Narrative and Iconography STEPHEN G. NICHOLS, JR.
A study of eleventh-century narrative and iconography, spe­cifically the Charlemagne canon as the basis for a medieval tradition interweaving art, architecture, literature, theology, and history.
"Provides several fascinating insights into the new principles of romanesque narrative and is particularly helpful in sug­gesting the similarities of various artistic and literary works not often treated together. ... A challenging and intellec­tually exciting book."—Richard Kenneth Emmerson, Modern Language Quarterly
"Intelligent, well researched, rich in insights, and instructive throughout. . . . Nichols has much that is important and new to say about romanesque art."—Norris J. Lacy, French Review
"A strongly stated and carefully argued thesis rich in detail and broad in implications for medievalists of every stripe. ... A dazzling multidisciplinary display."—Howard Bloch,
"An exciting conjunction of medieval thought and modern critical perception. . . . Nichols' crisply articulate prose and brilliant observations make it a delight to read."
—June McCash, Comparative Literature
"Nichols' Romanesque Signs may be compared to Emile Male's The Gothic Image, which it complements in substance and value."—John Allitt, ILEA Arts Review
"Brilliantly charts territory unfamiliar to most students of lit­erature—the histories of Prankish kings, the transfiguration of Charlemagne, and the new imperial mythos—and reads the Song of Roland in a completely original way."—from the citation for the fifteenth annual James Russell Lowell Prize of the Modern Language Association
Stephen G. Nichols is professor of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania.
Cover illustration: Christ-in-Majesty, St. Martin of Tours, or Marmoutier, Gospel Book of Lothair, c. 849-51 (photo: Bibliothèque Nationale).

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