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Riverside, Vitamina, Dollboy, Przestańcie

23-07-2012, 14:30
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Cena kup teraz: 43.90 zł     
Użytkownik EsCenterTorun
numer aukcji: 2395385423
Miejscowość Toruń
Wyświetleń: 32   
Koniec: 03-07-2012 19:15:47

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Stan: Nowy
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6 świetnych płyt w cenie trzech!


Riverside - Memories in my head

In 2001, four guys from Poland came together and formed a band. They were no other than Riverside. Now, in 2011, for their 10th anniversary, they recorded three brand new songs for an EP that can only be bought at their concerts. “Memories In My Head” is the fifth endeavor of the band, and although it includes only three songs, it gives the impression of a full-length album, as it lasts 33 minutes give or take. Riverside, up until now, have never disappointed their audience, and they're not willing to do so now. Checking their course, we can easily see that they steadily evolved their sound, making it a bit heavier and heavier on each release. But “Memories In My Head” is quite a surprise. Instead of having more metal elements, it takes us back to the first two albums, “Out Of Myself” and “Second Life Syndrome”. And interestingly enough, this seems quite suitable, as every song here is about the past. So I would say that this EP could be a tribute to what they have succeeded until now, and generally to the music that got them started. What I really like about “Memories In My Head” is that it has a soundtrack-like feeling to it. It's like Pink Floyd meeting a lighter version of Dream Theater. In there you can find great melodies, clean guitar work with a few intense solos, solid, right drumming and a nice bass tone. But the focus is the emotions. The vocals are soft and emotional and at times even a bit aggressive. And the keyboards and hammond work miracles. The first song, “Goodbye Sweet Innocence”, has a two minutes intro, with the keyboards creating ambient, space rock sounds. Then the bass and the vocals kick in, with a very mellow melody, which turns into a more uplifting chorus. The second half of the song is more intense with strings samples and guitar solos. “Living In The Past” is the most powerful song here, starting immediately with a nice rhythm section and with the smallest oriental touch. Around the middle things get interesting, as we listen to a soft music, like it's coming from a music box, interrupted by heavy guitar chords. In “Forgotten Land”, the first half is quite normal, with Mariusz Duda singing a bit harsher, but the second half is full of effects and electronic sounds.
Overall, Riverside have given a great sample of progressive rock, which shows the potential of the band. And they prepare us nicely for their upcoming release, in 2012.


Dollboy - A Beard of Bees

Departing from his previously instrumental-only blend of acoustic and electronic sounds, Dollboy delivers A Beard Of Bees as his first 'song'-based album. I bet he hopes there's a real BUZZ about it on the internet. Suit yourselves. The first thing to strike you about the album is just how exceptionally well put together the production is. 'One Liner' introduces itself with soft blipping drums and warm swells of bass, with acoustic guitar and vocals resting comfortably alongside the digital elements. Dollboy distinguishes himself from so many other laptop singer-songwriters by not allowing his voice to be consumed by effects and filtering. The untreated delivery really reinforces that this isn't just another case of an electronica guy having a go at 'proper songs', and on first listen it would seem that Oliver Cherer (for he is Dollboy) is giving Tunng a run for their money at the top of the folktronica tree. Splendid.


Truskawki - Przestańcie

Pierwsze oficjalne wydawnictwo zespołu Przestańcie - singiel pt: "Trustatki". Nagroda za zajęcie 1 miejsca w festiwalu Łódźstock 2009 organizowanego przez AHE w Łodzi.

Zawartość płyty:

1. Statek kosmiczny

2. Truskawki

+ Teledysk do piosenki Statek kosmiczny


Vitamina - Uwaga! Wymiotuję

Na debiutanckiej płycie toruńskiego zespołu Vitamina znajduje się 14 utworów, które powstawały od 2002 roku. Założenia artystyczne zespołu są całkowicie rockowe i kładą akcent na przekaz, tak emocjonalny, jak werbalny. Zespół świadomie stawia na maksimum wyrazu przy ascetycznym podejściu do środków. Styl Vitaminy wyznacza ekspresyjny wokal, pulsująca, energetyczna sekcja rytmiczna oraz wyrazista gitara. Teksty piosenek są reakcją na nadmiar informacji we współczesnym społeczeństwie konsumpcyjnym, przeciążonym sloganami reklamowymi i zmęczonym aferami na scenie politycznej. Vitamina próbuje umożliwić odbiorcy nabranie dystansu do tych zjawisk, opowiadając o nich w sposób przejaskrawiony, ironiczny, bądź nawet abstrakcyjny. Na płycie bonusowo zamieszczony został teledysk do pierwszego singla zespołu.


Grupa podwyższonego ryzyka - Margines błędu

Druga płyta wrocławskiej załogi. Bardziej dojrzalsza, ale wciąż stroszkolny punk rock w stylu strego Dezertera, KSU, Defektu Mózgu.


Slow Tension - Inner Fragments


Płyty w sklepie kosztują 140 zł.
Wytwórnia: MetalMind, Static Caravan, MJM Music, Slow Tension Records

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