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Revita szampon 1000ml od Oficjalnego Dystrybutora

17-06-2012, 10:59
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Koniec: 06-06-2012 11:01:28

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DS Laboratories REVITA® Szampon na porost włosów 1000ml

Litrowa butelka = ponad 5 normalnych Revit wię c dostają Państwo ponad 450ml zupełnie za darmo czyli to tak jak by dostać ponad 2 normalne szampony Revita gratis.

Produkt na stanie, natychmiastowa wysyłka POLECONYM PRIORYTETEM z Polski

Revita® jest najbardziej zaawansowanym szamponem przeciw wypadaniu i stymulującym porost włosów opracowanym przez naukowców Amerykańskiej firmy DS Laboratories.

Revita® zawiera składniki przeciwzapalne, przeciwgrzybicze, antyoksydacyjne oraz przeciw-DHT które wnikają głęboko w skórę głowy zapobiegając razem dysfunkcji mieszków włosowych.

Revita stosowana codziennie wpływa na stan skóry głowy, który wpływa na jakość mieszków włosowych i włosów.

Można go stosować z innymi kuracjami zawierającymi Minoxidil np. Spectral DNC lub Spectral DNC-L, które są dostępne na moich aukcjach.

Bardziej szczegółowy opis w języku angielskim

DS Laboratories REVITA® Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo

The most effective shampoo for preserving hairand avoiding baldness, Revita® results from cutting-edge research at DSLaboratories.

The remarkable shampoo maintainsthe vitality of your scalp with a combination of anti-inflammatory,antifungal, antioxidant, and anti-DHT agents that act together againstfollicular dysfunction. Revita also contains active ingredients tohydrate, feed, and stimulate hair follicles.

Formaximum effectiveness, DS Laboratories uses a gentle, chemical-freeextraction process to preserve the molecular integrity and bioactivityof the active compounds.

What makes Revita protect hair like no other shampoo?
Revita contains the recently discovered hair-growth compoundprocyanidin B-2, which has demonstrated through clinical trials topromote growth at the hairline as effectively as minoxidil does at thevertex.

Severalactive ingredients work to keep the scalp healthy: Copper peptidecomplex counters the degenerative diseases of aging skin and hair. Spintraps detoxify free radicals. Ketoconazole reduces irritation andremoves excess sebum. Rooibos contributes anti-inflammatory andantioxidant properties.

Other valuable compoundsfeed the follicles to build new hair: Methylsulfonylmethane is a supernutrient for the skin. Amino acids construct proteins that add tensilestrength to hair. Emu oil contributes fatty acids for nutrition andhydration. Biotin is the major B vitamin of the cutaneous system.

Yetmore components add to Revita's effectiveness: Caffeine stimulates thehair follicles. Carnitine tartrate helps to generate adenosinetriphosphate (ATP), the universal currency of bio-energy.

Besides cleansing the scalp gently, high-performance Revita leaves the hair feeling soft and smelling pleasant.

Witness the results for yourself. No matter howmuch hair you have lost, using Revita daily will improve the vitalityof your scalp, maintain the quality of your hair, and stimulate thegrowth of new strands.


Themost powerful shampoo to boost vitality and slow hair loss, Revita®works from early-stage baldness prevention through late-stage regrowthtreatment. Because Revita combines many highly effective compoundsknown to preserve and regrow hair.

Theseinclude gentle natural cleansers, plus anti-inflammatory, antifungal,antioxidant, and anti-hormonal agents, as well as compounds forhydration, nutrition, stimulation, and reconstruction.

Synergybetween these leading-edge ingredients means Revita can stave off hairloss and support restoration, so users always look and feel their best.

Hiding beneath the hair, our delicate scalpsmay be taken for granted — until the hair starts to fall out. Then weclamor for any way to protect our scalps and retain our hair.

For many men — and women, too — shampooing with Revita optimizes hairand scalp condition, since the topical treatment not only cleans butalso strengthens and helps regrow hair. Unlike any other shampoo,Revita combines anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antioxidant, andanti-hormonal agents to protect follicles from damage, plus nutrition,stimulation, and amino acids to build strong new hair.

Thescalp is a specialized hair-bearing patch of skin (above). It containsthousands of individual strands, each emerging from a follicle set deepwithin the dermis, plus numerous sebaceous glands, which open into thefollicles and secrete a fatty substance to lubricate hair and skin.

A follicle's ability to generate strong, thick hair results from manyfactors. In the case of male pattern baldness, the most important isthe genetic programming that responds to the hormonedihydrotestosterone (DHT), which may choke off growth by interferingwith the enzyme adenylate cyclase. When hormone concentrations becomehigh, thick, terminal hairs become thin, vellus hairs (peach fuzz).

Other key factors in hair lossinclude general stress, radiation or chemical damage, collagenrigidity, and various hormonal imbalances. Just as facial complexioncan be affected by changes elsewhere in the body, so can scalp health.

With the onset of alopecia (hair loss), strands become shorter, finer,and lighter, until they become invisible or fall out completely. Thisprocess leads to bald patches, which is the common male pattern, oroverall thinning, the common female pattern.

Except for Revita, no over-the-counter shampoo addresses the needs ofconsumers suffering with hair loss. Most products are full ofinexpensive alkaline detergents that actually exacerbate problems. DSLaboratories formulated Revita as a breakthrough product, containinghigh concentrations of precious compounds assembled with cost as noobject.

The synergy of these materials means hair-growth performance withoutequal. Simply by shampooing with Revita, you maintain your scalp inoptimal health.

Revita Components

* Apple polyphenol
* Copper peptides
* Spin traps
* Ketoconazole
* Rooibos
* Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
* Caffeine
* Carnitine tartrate
* Amino acids
* Emu oil
* Biotin

How can I stave off hair loss?
Use a high-performance topical treatment likeSpectral.DNC®, together with a supportive shampoo like Revita®, toretain hair longer.

How do hair follicles shut down?
Hair follicles produce strands progressively thinnerand shorter, a process called miniaturization, during each successivefollicular cycle.

How do I know Revita is safe?
DS Laboratories selects ingredients for hypoallergenicity as well as effectiveness.

How do procyanidins promote hair growth?
Procyanidin oligomers (simple polymers) help different types of cells, epithelial and mesenchymal, work together.

How do researchers measure hair growth?
Four factors are quantified for hair strands: diameter, length, number, and pigmentation.

How does baldness relate to body hair and sex drive?
Baldness does not mean a change in body hair or sexdrive. The effects of androgens depend on the location and geneticprogramming of each hair follicle.

How does dihydrotestosterone (DHT) affect hair loss?
The male hormone DHT may choke hair follicles byinterfering with certain enzymes, causing thick, terminal hairs towhither into thin, vellus hairs.

How does DS Laboratories obtain extracts?
DS Laboratories uses gentle mechanical compression,not harsh chemical extraction, to preserve the integrity of its naturalcompounds.

How does hair receive nutrition?
Methylsulfonylmethane is incorporated into Revitabecause the sulfur-containing chemical is essential for building hair,skin, and nails.

How does hair thin?
Follicles do not just shut down suddenly. They producestrands progressively thinner and shorter, called miniaturization,during progressive follicular cycles.

How does ketoconazole support hair growth?
Ketoconazole, a powerful antifungal agent, reducesscalp irritation and removes excess sebum while inhibiting the hormonesthat trigger male pattern baldness.

How does Revita compare to mass-market shampoos?
Unlike regular shampoos, which rely on alkalinedetergents that inflame the scalp, Revita contains natural cleansers,plus precious ingredients to reduce inflammation, fungus, and DHT, andother compounds to boost hydration, nutrition, and protein.

How does Revita help repair free-radical damage?
Antioxidant molecules called spin traps work todetoxify the free radicals that damage cells through age, pollution,and ultraviolet radiation.

How does Revita stimulate follicular energy?
Carnitine tartrate helps generate adenosine triphosphate, the universal currency of biological energy.

How long does a hair strand grow?
A complete follicular cycle has three phases: anagen(growth), normally a few years; catagen (transitional), just a week ortwo; and telogen (dormant), normally several weeks.

How many hairs grow at one time?
Normally, 12 follicles are producing hair (anagenphase) for each one that is dormant (telogen phase). With androgenicalopecia, that ratio sinks to maybe 5:1.

What are the active ingredients in Revita?
Revita works through multiple pathways, withanti-inflammatory, antifungal, antioxidant, and anti-DHT agents, plushydration, nutrition, stimulants, and proteins.

What causes hair follicles to quit?
Ironically, the male hormones that trigger scalp hairsto fall out also cause facial, chest, axillary, and pubic hairs to growin. The difference is the genetic programming of each follicle.

What is a free radical?
The byproduct of natural oxidation, a free radical isa reactive molecule containing an unpaired electron, which damages hairfollicles and other cells.

What is an antioxidant?
Antioxidants attract free radicals and effectivelytrap them. Revita incorporates a spin trap calledN-t-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone.

What is androgenic alopecia?
Commonly called male pattern baldness, androgenicalopecia starts with bitemporal recession of the hairline and thinningof the vertex. Eventually, the two bald patches merge. Female patternbaldness, however, happens as a diffuse thinning over the entire scalp.

What is the role of amino acids in Revita?
Amino acids form keratin, the hard fibrous protein that constructs new hairs.

What is the role of biotin in Revita?
Biotin improves metabolism of scalp oils and expands the hair shaft directly.

What is the role of caffeine in Revita?
Caffeine stimulates hair follicles like it stimulates nerves.

What is the role of carnitine tartrate in Revita?
Carnitine tartrate helps the body to generate adenosine triphosphate, the currency of biological energy.

What is the role of copper peptides in Revita?
Copper peptides counter many of the degenerative diseases of aging skin and hair.

What is the role of emu oil in Revita?
Emu oil contributes fatty acids to help feed and hydrate the skin.

What is the role of ketoconazole in Revita?
Ketoconazole reduces irritation and excess sebum while inhibiting DHT production.

What is the role of methylsulfonylmethane in Revita?
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) contains sulfur and serves as an antioxidant, disrupting lipid peroxidation.

What is the role of procyanidins in Revita?
Procyanidins promote growth at the hairline.

What is the role of rooibos in Revita?
Rooibos contributes antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is the role of spin traps in Revita?
Spin traps detoxify the free radicals that damage cells.

What lifestyle adjustments can slow hair loss?
In addition to a topical treatment such asSpectral.DNC-L and a medicated shampoo such as Revita, don't use harshchemicals like straight minoxidil, have medical conditions treated, eata balanced diet, exercise regularly to improve circulation and lowerstress, use a comb instead of a brush, and consider discontinuingbirth-control pills.

What makes hair strong?
Revita delivers amino acids directly to hair follicles because these acids are building blocks of the protein keratin.

What makes Revita better than other shampoos?
Revita combines numerous highly effective compounds to help preserve hair.

What treatments combine well with Revita?
Revita enhances and reinforces topical treatments like Spectral.DNC and others containing minoxidil.

What vitamins contribute to hair health?
Revita incorporates the B vitamin biotin because it plays a major role in the manufacturing of hair.

When does balding begin?
Androgenic hair loss can start at puberty, whenhormones increase. Some men go completely bald in five years, although15 to 25 years is more typical.

When should I begin hair regrowth treatment?
Topical treatments work best in the early stages of baldness, since hair follicles atrophy over time.

Where does hair come from?
Individual strands emerge from hair follicles set deepwithin the scalp. In each, a dermal papilla transfers nourishment fromthe blood stream to the root, which grows and makes the strand longer.Sebaceous glands secrete sebum to lubricate hair and skin.

Who is at risk of baldness?
White men suffer androgenic alopecia at a rate fourtimes higher than black men. Eventually, 96 percent will losesignificant hair. Some women also suffer baldness.

Why do only certain hairs fall out?
The hormone dihydrotestosterone affects a givenfollicle based on its genetic programming, which is the reason thattransplanted hairs continue to grow.

Why does Revita contain caffeine?
The latest clinical studies show that topical application of caffeine stimulates human hair follicles.

Why does Revita contain emu oil?
Rendered from a flightless Australian bird, emu oil contributes essential fatty acids, hydration, nutrition, and stimulation.

Why is African red-bush tea in Revita?
Rooibos, used traditionally as an herbal tea,contributes antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and now showspotential to aid in hair growth.

Why is hair loss important to men?
While not exactly a life-threatening disease,premature baldness does diminish a man's self image, making him feelolder and less attractive than his peers.