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RED SPAROWES Every Red Heart Shines Toward CDfolia

24-01-2012, 12:10
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Koniec: 17-01-2012 14:44:49

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RED SPAROWES "Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun” CD

Red Sparowes – amerykański instrumentalny zespół post-rockowy. Założony przez grupę osób na co dzień związanych z innymi zespołami (m.in. Isis, Neurosis, Pleasure Forever), początkowo mających zamiar jedynie wspólnego grania bez zobowiązań. Charakterystyczną cechą zespołu są bardzo długie tytuły utworów.

There just might be a certain warped truth to the phrase "guilt by association." As in the case of Red Sparowes, its formal associations with such heavy, propulsive bands as Neurosis, Angel Hair and Pleasure Forever would lead you to expect that the Los Angeles quintet's debut would be a masterfully crafted epic of primal urgency.

It is.

However, Red Sparowes is epic without bombast, heavy without a single barre-chord riff and eviscerating without any clearly audible vocals. The chiming, spindly layers of effect-laden guitars and the swinging, entrancing drums on its Neurot Recordings debut At the Soundless Dawn create textures reminiscent of Goblin, Tones on Tail, Godspeed You Black Emperor and early Sonic Youth. Its attack is syrupy and serpentine; subtle but frighteningly deliberate.

Red Sparowes is comprised of Bryant Clifford Meyer on guitar (Isis), Josh Graham on guitar (Neurosis visuals and acclaimed video director), Greg Burns on bass and pedal steel (also of Temporary Residence dark chamber folk sextet Halifax Pier), Andy Arahood on bass/guitar (Angel Hair) and David Clifford on drums (The VSS, Pleasure Forever). The album was recorded with founding drummer Dana Berkowitz (The Cignal) and Isis bassist Jeff Caxide, both of whom relocated at the end of 2004. The sum total of its sound, however, stems more so from esoteric melodic guitar-surrealists of the mid-80's Blast First and Too Pure hive than the fierce realism of the aforementioned cabal of heavy-psych rock.

At the Soundless Dawn – an album of seven compositions with titles that fit together as a complete paragraph -- opens with a rapidly strummed single high-string building tension as distant, delay drenched notes saturate an almost dance-beat drum pattern on "Alone and unaware, the landscape was transformed in front of our eyes." Pedal steel notes add a further layer of glissando urgency as ringing guitar notes climb hand-over-fist upon an ascending line. The second track, "Buildings began to stretch wide across the sky and the air filled with a reddish glow" kicks in abruptly, sounding reminiscent of the taut and eerie blasts of Italian horror film soundtrack masters Goblin. Icy, piercing guitars jut out from the speakers as rapid bass arpeggios drive the tune ever nearer. Comparisons to the more lulling and lush tunes from the My Bloody Valentine masterpiece Loveless would not be off the mark  for the third track – a beautifully constructed four-and-a-half minute piece of gorgeous, somber guitar work -- although the band would likely be reluctant to accept such a compliment.

Throughout the album, transitions glide and instruments smudge into a warm wash of tones. It's an orchestral wall of sound that is equally as entrancing as it is unnerving. The 12-minute album closer, for instance, gradually builds tension with clever use of smeared, formless guitar notes that create a sense of three-dimensional sound as notes seem to move from background to foreground, flitting around an imaginary room. Sparing tom drum rolls add to the growing claustrophobia, until ever-rebuilding waves of strings cascade into a grand crescendo that finishes as mysteriously as it began.

Although the band members are indeed tied to many other projects, Red Sparowes is not just a side-project. The band has toured the US with the Dillinger Escape Plan and label-mates Made Out of Babies, as well as a very successful headlining European/UK tour in Spring 2005. In August-September, the band embarks on a full national tour with Pelican, Big Business and Breather Resist.

While At the Soundless Dawn uses vocals as subtle instrumentation, the group plans to incorporate voices further into its sound. This stunning introduction to Red Sparowes, recorded in San Francisco by engineer Desmond Shea (who also did additional engineering on the recent Neurosis album, The Eye of Every Storm) is just the beginning for a band that promises to change the way we think about heavy music. Its family of related artists is certainly good company. But, where their common goals to experiment with epic, cathartic music meet, Red Sparowes branches far outside of the expected boundaries.

Lista utworów 

  1. "The Great Leap Forward Poured Down Upon Us One Day Like a Mighty Storm, Suddenly and Furiously Blinding Our Senses." – 7:00

   2. "We Stood Transfixed in Blank Devotion as Our Leader Spoke to Us, Looking Down On Our Mute Faces With a Great, Raging, and Unseeing Eye." – 8:55

   3. "Like the Howling Glory of the Darkest Winds, This Voice Was Thunderous and the Words Holy, Tangling Their Way Around Our Hearts and Clutching Our Innocent Awe." – 10:08

   4. "A Message of Avarice Rained Down Upon Us and Carried Us Away Into False Dreams of Endless Riches." – 7:11

   5. "'Annihilate the Sparrow, That Stealer of Seed, and Our Harvests Will Abound; We Will Watch Our Wealth Flood In'. And by Our Own Hand Did Every Last Bird Lie Silent in Their Puddles, the Air Barren of Song as the Clouds Drifted Away." – 8:43

   6. "For Killing Their Greatest Enemy, the Locusts Noisily Thanked Us and Turned Their Jaws Toward Our Crops, Swallowing Our Greed Whole." – 1:42

   7. "Millions Starved and We Became Skinnier and Skinnier, While Our Leaders Became Fatter and Fatter." – 9:55

   8. "Finally, as That Blazing Sun Shone Down Upon Us, Did We Know That True Enemy Was the Voice of Blind Idolatry; and Only Then Did We Begin to Think for Ourselves." – 8:03

Neurot Rec.

I jeszcze znalezione  w necie recenzje:

"The L.A.-based experimental post-rock group known as Red Sparowes has done it again, having produced a second full-length album that proves to be even more elaborate and breathtaking than the first. Every Red Heart Shines Towards the Red Sun, to be released September 19, 2006, features 8 tracks, loaded with intricate, heavily layered guitar melodies and awe-inspiring soundscapes that flow nearly flawlessly together. Every Red Heart contains plenty of mystifying melodies and mountainous crescendos much similar to their first release, At the Soundless Dawn (2005), yet seems to go a step further, adding more diversified layers and variety to the songs. Songs on Every Red Heart often change pace and contain a much broader range of beats and melodies. These additions make the 7-9 minute long tracks much more entertaining, avoiding issues like the sometimes monotonous and boring moments in their previous release.

Red Sparowes possess a keen ability to create vividly illustrated and often politically-aimed stories without the use of a single word, spoken or sung, in their music. Instead, the band chooses to create their stories through pure instrumentation, and uses long, descriptive song titles to help guide the listener. The same holds true for this album, which is based on the Great Sparrow Campaign, which was formed by the Great Leap Forward initiated by Mao Zedong in communist China during the late 1950's. In this campaign, sparrows were killed off in mass quantities in an attempt to preserve the farmland crops. Although the sparrows had been killed off, their primary prey, the locust, now had no predators, and thus began to populate China at an incredible pace. The locusts swarmed China for over two years, eating away all of the crops, and as a result a massive famine ensued which killed around 30 million people. With this new album being based on such a theme, it would be reasonable to believe that the band may have named itself after this very story.

With this background information about the album, it is easy to see how the title of each track fits into the story. Track one clearly describes the situation by mentioning "The Great Leap Forward," referencing the name of the Chinese campaign. The second track mentions "Our Leader," most likely a reference to Mao Zedong, having an "Unseeing Eye," symbolizing his lack of understanding of the real problem at hand. Track four mentions the people being carried away with "False Dreams of Endless Riches," signifying the promise to the farmers that crops would flourish if the sparrows were all killed off, which was obviously ultimately wrong. The title of track five is a quotation, real or fictional, and it is likely from Mao himself or some other figure of the government speaking to the peasantry, promising that they will flourish if the sparrows are killed. The sixth track, which serves as a sort of intermission soundscape, has a title that talks about the locusts taking over the crops after the death of the sparrows. It is not to our surprise then, that this track features sounds which vividly animate a scene of locust swarms hovering over crop fields at dusk. The name of the eighth and final track is quite possibly the most provoking of all. It speaks of the Chinese peasantry realizing that it had succumbed to "blind idolatry," meaning their complete obedience and faith in Mao, and that "only then did [they] begin to think for [their]selves," suggesting a revelation of Mao being a corrupt leader and the necessity to live one's life based on one's own decisions.

Having only emerged less than two years ago, Red Sparowes has already made a reputation for itself as a major component of the post-rock / instrumental scene, and Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun will surely do nothing less than strengthen that reputation. All storyline themes aside, Every Red Heart exhibits atmospheric instrumental rock music at its finest, with unrivaled complexity and outstanding melodic beauty. That said, there is certainly a great deal of significance added to this album by its historically based theme which is illustrated both in the music and the unusually long, descriptive song titles. It is clear that the band wishes to promote a lesson through this story: a lesson about the danger of blind obedience and the tragedies that can result from it. With only simple examination, the overall theme of this album seems to scream out "THINK FOR YOURSELF!" And perhaps that theme is even an ideal reflection of Red Sparowes themselves, a band that insists on finding its own way and settles for nothing less than instrumental perfection. With their second magnificent release, Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun, the agenda of the newly surfaced Red Sparowes is now clear: to create wonderfully artistic instrumental music combined with intriguing storylines that will make us all stand in awe for years to come."

"The first reviewer down below did a great job at describing why this album is so good. If I may just paraphrase a few things and cut right to the chase.

1. This album is incredible

2. It is better than At The Soundless Dawn

3. The variety and flow in each track is mesmerizing and haunting

4. Every instrument has the perfect mix

5. The album artwork is great

6. This is one of the best instrumentatl post-rock albums.

7. Ever.

Do yourself a favor, read the first review if you need more proof. The sound samples wont do you any good as each song is around 7-8 minutes long and has far too much depth for a 30 second sample. Then go out and buy this album and set aside some time to listen to it...Maybe clean you room, or draw, or paint, or sit on the couch with the lights turned low and prepare to be taken away by the music. This album is an escape from wherever you are at the moment. A sonic tour de force."

"Full length number two from epic post rock soundscapers the Red Sparowes. Sharing members with Isis, these guys tread similar sonic ground, although where Isis take their sound in a decidedly sludgy more metallic direction, The Sparowes move in their own, toward a much mathier, almost prog rock sound. Each track is massive in scope and composition, lengthy almost krautrock grooves lead into spacey ambience which lead into heavy crunchy "choruses". Riffs repeat and loop and slowly transform, multiple guitars weave in and out of the minor key melodies, creating dense harmonies, and strange rhythmic counterpoints to the motorik rhythms.

Red Sparowes are another band where it's hard to pinpoint just exactly what it is that makes them sound different or special, but that something is most definitely there. Sure it's slightly metallic, it's most definitely math rock or post rock. It's big and brooding, minor key and slightly melancholy, the guitars are big and thick, the drums simple but propulsive, but each one of those parts is transformed by the way they are assembled, the arrangements, the songwriting, imbue each of those elements with extra emotion, extra power. Which makes the heavy parts that much more riffage, the ambient parts that much more spacey and drifty, the sad parts that much darker. Obviously if you're into Isis and Aereogramme and Mogwai and all of that sort of stuff you'll for sure love this. But even folks who haven't been blown away by those bands should check these guys out. Super emotional, incredibly epic and grand, instrumental rock of the highest order. Like a more metallized Sigur Ros or like a dreamier dronier, WAY less metal Neurosis."

"Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun" to przede wszystkim gitarowa ściana dźwięku dla fanów post-rocka. Nie znajdziemy tu szybkiego tempa, ani agresywnych riffów, raczej powolne, przytłaczające partie instrumentów. Muzycy potrafią się rozmarzyć jak Pink Floyd przed laty, albo zasępić jak Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Przechodzą od łagodnej zadumy, aż po skowyt, jednocześnie nie pozwalając sobie na to, by było lekko i przyjemnie. Zawsze gdzieś w kącie czai się niepokój, dzięki czemu muzyka od początku mocno intryguje."

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RED SPAROWES Every Red Heart Shines Toward CDfolia

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