Patterns and Perspectives:
reading and writing activities
An Advanced EFL Text
activities for advanced students of english as a foreign language
Autor: Dean CurryWydawca: English Teaching Division, U.S. Information Agency, Washington D.C.Liczba stron: 113Wymiary: 20,7x26,5 cm
Stan: DB, używana, bez zaznaczeń, podkreśleń, itp.
+ GRATIS:USING LITERATURE & POETRY AFFECTIVELYedited by Jon E. ShapiroAuthor: International Reading Association, Newark, DE Subjects: Affective Behavior.; Collected Works, General.; Teaching Methods. Summary:The purpose of this publication is to present methods designed to develop a greater awareness of the affective domain and to examine the way children's literature and poetry is used at school and at home. The 12 articles provide information about the following topics: developing an awareness of attitudes, examining approach-avoidance behaviors in reading, why teenagers do not read, the achievement of literacy through literature, children's reading interests, what constitutes appropriate literature for youth, fanciful literature, reading as an activity and as a theme in children's literature, the use of poetry with children, poetry and career education, and a strategy for improving teenagers' understanding and appreciation of poetry.
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