Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition, by World Renowned Glass
Shattering Vocal Coach Jaime Vendera, is totally revised
and expanded with all new pictures, illustrations and
brand new cover. The 2nd edition includes Useful tips by
over 20 of the world's top vocal coaches (Melissa Cross,
Brett Manning, Jeannie Deva, Mark Baxter etc...) and
professional rock singers (James Labrie, Myles Kennedy,
Tony Harnell, Jim Gillette, etc...)as well as new
chapters such as ''Diet & Exercise and Stage &
Studio. This book has been completely revised with brand
new concepts and the release of Jaime Venders'a
'Isolation Method.''Raise Your Voice 2nd edition is a
completely revised 460-page vocal training manual based
on Glass Shattering Vocal Coach Jaime Vendera''s
''Isolation Method'' and ''Vocal Stress Release
Program'' This edition contains a band new cover, over
150 new pictures and illustrations, 200+ Useful Tips
from the author and tips from over 20 of the world''s
top rock singers and vocal instructors, 72 audio
examples and 6+ hours of video instruction through the
authors ''Members section'' of raiseyourvoicebook.com.
Membership is included with book. If you want to extend
your range, increase the power and quality of your
voice, improve your vocal health, master grit and the
whistle voice, conquer stage fright and become a great
performer/recording artist, then this book is a step in
the right direction. |