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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
seria / serie: -
autor / author: SHANE RICHIE
wydanie / publication: 2003 CONTENDER BOOKS
format / size: 16 cm X 24 cm
okładka / cover: twarda + kolorowa obwoluta
ilość stron / pages: 288
ISBN: 1-84[zasłonięte]-099-8
typ / type: używana / used
stan książki / condision of book: bardzo dobry minus / very good minus (minimalne zagięcia i otarcia na okładce i obwolucie)
Opis treści / summary:
The son of a road sweeper, Shane Richie has come a long way from the streets of London's council estates. As EastEnders' lovable rogue Alfie Moon he is now the 'darling' of every soap fan i nBritain. But it has been an incredible roller coaster ride as he twice fought his way to the top.
Shane started life as a Pontins Bluecoat before establishing himself as the star of the musical "Greace" and the faceof Friday and Saturday night TV entertainment with hit shows such as such as "Lucky Numbers", "Love Me Do" and "The Shane Richie Experience". He grabbed the trappings of fame with both hands, sleeping with a string of women and indulging in the champagne lifestyle to excess.
In "Rags to Richie", he writes frankly about the years of womanising, the agonishing break-up of his marriage to singer Coleen Nolan and his days of heavy drinking. Shane reveals how he coped when his career dramatically nose-divided, his despair over money troubles and how his semiaubiogriphal musical "Boogie Nights" drove him to the edge of insanity.
In this candid autobiography, Shane reveals the highs and the lows of a life with more twists and turns than a soap opera plotline; a life that saw him move from Pontins to the Palladium in just four years. From Daz ads to Danny Zuko, from sleeping rough on the south coast, to tourning comedy clubs on America's west coast, from warm-up man to West End star, Shane tells it all.
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