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R. Murray Gilchrist - A Night on the Moor

16-07-2015, 13:52
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Stan: Używany
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R. Murray Gilchrist
A Night on the Moor & Other Tales of Dread

Język: angielski
Oprawa: miękka
Liczba stron: 190
Stan książki: używana, bdb--

Robert Murray Gilchrist (1[zasłonięte]868-19) is perhaps best known for his interest in topography, and for his stories set in Derbyshire's Peak District.

But he was also a master of mystery and horror, as this richly varied collection shows. If you are looking for a conventional horror story, in which the supernatural element is paramount, try The Crimson Weaver, Dame Inowslad, Witch In-Grain, or A Night on the Moor. If you are more taken with the psychology of the participants, often allied to a fascination with the killing of friends or lovers, then Francis Shackerley, The Noble Courtesan, Althea Swathmore, and My Friend will be right up your street.

For humour we are offered the Peakland comedy of The Panicle or A Witch in the Peak. And when it comes to love, there are the tragic and poignant tales we might expect (The Return, The Lost Mistress, The Madness of Betty Hooton), but also the engaging and unusual Bubble Magic – a story of romantic betrayal which hints at a happy ending.

R. Murray Gilchrist - A Night on the Moor


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