Quantum Soul Clearing - Healing the Scars Life
Leaves on the Soul, is a 3-step Spiritual Technology
that frees you from painful thoughts, feelings and
beliefs, so you can create a life of joy, peace of mind
and empowered living! With the Quantum Soul Healing
Process you can: - Release and heal old emotional
traumas and wounds - Feel deeply spiritually connected
-Create more financial abundance -Find true peace of
mind and self-acceptance -Eliminate the causes of
conflict in your personal relationships, with yourself
and others -Release the emotional roots of physical pain
and disease -Empower yourself to create the life you
truly desire "This book is an excellent practical guide
for 'cutting through' habitual patterns. It is highly
recommended for effecting positive change in a
non-sectarian yet genuinely deep spiritual way. -Master
Boon, Dao Wisdom Traditions Pty Ltd
www.daowisdom.com/fengshui "Michelle Manning-Kogler is
unmistakably a gifted intuitive. With each page turned
it becomes more apparent that Quantum Soul Clearing is
potentially life-altering. As you free your mind and
open your heart you will receive amazing gifts of
insight, and techniques that will benefit anyone trying
to manifest healing and harmony in their lives" -Cheryl
T Campbell, Editor in Chief, Tribal Woman Magazine
http://thetribalwoman.com/ "Michelle Manning Kogler is
an amazing energy intuitive who teaches, step by step,
how to energetically change neural pathways in the
subconscious with the Quantum Soul Clearing Process.
This process will help you make profound changes, will
liberate you to succeed at your highest potential, and
live the life of your dreams" -Anne M Deatly, PhD,
Director of Optimal Health and Wellness Center,
http://www.energizeforjoy.com/ In my work, helping
people identify the work they are designed to do, I have
discovered that we must heal ourselves before we can
fulfill our life's purpose. The hurt and pain we h