An excellent resource for coursework in
psychosocial occupational therapy, this revised edition
focuses on the clinical applications of psychosocial
occupational therapy to prepare the reader for working
with actual clients in real-life contexts. With a novice
friendly approach focusing on diagnosis, this book is
filled with case illustrations to demonstrate therapy in
clinical practice. Current issues with a clinical focus
have been contributed by experts in the field and
include an international perspective. Keeping current
with developments in the profession, extensive revisions
and reorganization reflect the recent Occupational
Therapy Practice Framework (AOTA, 2002). Chapters have
been reorganized to reflect the long-standing value
placed on treating the whole person. This reorganization
mirrors the general trend in psychiatry and mental
health to intervene more aggressively using medicine and
assessments, to evaluate and treat more briefly, to
focus on function, and to use community settings.
Thoroughly revised and restructured, this text is an
important addition to any occupational therapy library.
New to the Edition: Reorganized into seven sections on
the mental health context, theoretical concepts,
diagnosis and dysfunction, mental health across the
lifespan, mental health with physical disorders,
occupational therapy intervention in mental health,
expanded roles for occupational therapists in mental
health, and clinically related roles to better reflect
clinical practice. New chapter on assessment including
an overview of the evaluation process, observation, and
interview techniques. New, separate chapters on mental
health of children, mental health of adolescents, and
mental health of the elderly provide more detailed
information for each of these populations. Includes a
new chapter on environmental and cultural