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Przyczajony tygrys, ukryty smok / Crouching Tiger

14-11-2014, 3:45
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Cena kup teraz: 75.99 zł     
Użytkownik SolAviSpl
numer aukcji: 4701556335
Miejscowość Gryfino
Zostało sztuk: 4    Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 14-11-2014 03:55:00

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
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Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon [Blu-ray] [2000]
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon [Blu-ray] [2000] 75.99 zł

  • Obsada: Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh, Chang Chen, Zhang Ziyi, Sihung Lung
  • Napisy: Arabski , bułgarski , chorwacki, czeski , angielski, hebrajski , hindi , węgierski , grecki, polski , portugalski, rumuński , słowacki, słoweński , turecki
  • Studio: Sony Pictures Home Ent.
  • Audio: brak polskiego, Mandarin Chinese
  • Obraz: 16:9 - 2.40:1
  • Liczba płyt: 1
  • Czas: 115 minut
  • Reżyser: Ang Lee
  • Data premiery: 06 lipca 2009
  • Region: All Regions
  • Napisy dla niesłyszących: angielski
  • Dubbing: Angielski, czeski, węgierski
  • Producent: Ang Lee, Li-Kong Hsui, Bill Kong

Stan płyty:

Termin wysyłki:
od 7 do 12 dni roboczych

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is so many things: an historical epic on a grand scale, an Asian martial-arts flick with both great effects and fantastic fighting (choreographed by The Matrix's guru Yuen Wo Ping), a story of magic, revenge and power played with a posse of star-crossed lovers thrown in for good measure. Set during the Qing dynasty (the late 19th century), the film follows the fortunes of righteous warriors Li Mu Bai and Yu Shu Lien (Asian superstars Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh, respectively) whose love for one another has lain too long unspoken. When Li Mu Bai's legendary sword Green Destiny is stolen by wilful aristocrat's daughter Jen (exquisite newcomer Zhang Ziyi), who has been trained in the way of the gangster by Li Mu Bai's arch-rival Jade Fox, the warriors must fight to recover the mystical blade. The plot takes us all across China, from dens of iniquity and sumptuous palaces to the stark plains of the Western desert. Characters chase each other up walls and across roof and treetops to breathtaking effect, and Tan Dun's haunting, Oscar-winning East-West inflected score. Directed by Taiwanese-born Ang Lee and co-written by his longtime collaborator American James Schamus, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon joins the ranks of the team's slate of high-quality, genre-spanning literary adaptations. Although it superficially seems like a return to Ang's Asian roots, there's a clear throughline connecting this with their earlier, Western films given the thematic focus on propriety and family honour (Sense and Sensibility), repressed emotions (The Ice Storm) and divided loyalties in a time of war (Ride with the Devil). Nonetheless, a film this good needs no prior acquaintance with the director's oeuvre; it stands on its own. The only people who might be dismissive of it are jaded chop-socky fans who will probably feel bored with all the romance. Everyone else will love it. --Leslie Felperin

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