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Programming iOS
6 |
DETAILS: Author: Matt
Neuburg Language: English Publisher: O'Reilly Media Publication Date:
21 Mar 2013 Dimensions:
6 x 17.8 x 23.3 cm Format:
Paperback Pages: 1186 Condition: NEW Product_ID: 1449C65760
Get a solid grounding in all the fundamentals
of Cocoa Touch, and avoid problems during iPhone and
iPad app development. With this revised and expanded
edition, you’ll dig into Cocoa and learn how to work
effectively with Objective-C and Xcode. This book covers
iOS 6 in a rigorous, orderly fashion—ideal whether
you’re approaching iOS for the first time or need a
reference to bolster existing skills. Learn about
features introduced with iOS 6, including Objective-C
language advances, autosynthesis, autolayout, new view
controller rotation rules, unwind segues, state
restoration, styled text, and collection views.
- Learn Objective-C language details and
object-oriented programming concepts
- Understand the anatomy of an Xcode project and all
the stages of its lifecycle
- Grasp key Cocoa concepts such as relationships
between classes, receiving events, and
model-view-controller architecture
- Learn how views and layers are managed, drawn,
composited, and animated
- Become familiar with view controllers and their
relationships, along with nib and storyboard
- Fully explore all basic interface objects such as
scroll views, table views, and controls
- Delve into Cocoa frameworks for sound, video,
sensors, maps, and other features
- Touch on advanced topics such as threading and
wysyłamy w ciągu 5-7 dni roboczych.