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Procesor Opteron 2GHZ OSA846CEP5AV

28-02-2012, 11:10
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 70 zł     
Użytkownik Przemekebay
numer aukcji: 2086210085
Miejscowość Węglowice
Wyświetleń: 39   
Koniec: 27-02-2012 16:20:02
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Procesor opteron 2ghz







General information
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Server
Family AMD Opteron
Model number  ?  846
CPU part numbers OSA846CEP5AV is an OEM/tray microprocessor
OSA846AVWOF is a boxed microprocessor
Stepping code AAAPC
Frequency (MHz)  ?  2000
Package 940-pin lidded ceramic micro-PGA
1.57" x 1.57" (4 cm x 4 cm)
Socket Socket 940
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Microarchitecture K8
Processor core  ?  Sledgehammer
Core stepping  ?  CG
Manufacturing process 0.13 micron SOI
Data width 64 bit
Number of cores 1
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size  ?  64 KB 2-way associative instruction cache
64 KB 2-way associative data cache
Level 2 cache size  ?  1 MB exclusive 16-way associative cache
Physical memory 1 TB
Virtual memory (TB) 256
  • 12 (integer)
  • 17 (floating point)
Multiprocessing Up to 8 processors
  • MMX technology
  • 3DNow!
  • SSE
  • SSE2
  • AMD64 technology  ? 
  • Enhanced Virus Protection  ? 
Low power features
  • Halt mode
  • Stop Grant mode  ? 
On-chip peripherals
  • Integrated dual-channel DDR SDRAM Memory controller
  • HyperTransport technology with three 16-bit links up to 800 MHz each
Electrical/Thermal parameters
V core (V)  ?  1.5
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature (°C)  ?  0 - 70
Thermal Design Power (W)  ?  89
Notes on AMD OSA846CEP5AV
  • OSA846AVWOF does not include fan/heatsink
  CPUs, related to AMD Opteron 846  
Model Cores /
Freq. L2
TDP Features
AMD Opteron family, Socket 940
   AMD Opteron 252 1 / 1 2.6 GHz 1 MB 2 68 Watt
   AMD Opteron 252 1 / 1 2.6 GHz 1 MB 2 92.6 Watt
   AMD Opteron 852 1 / 1 2.6 GHz 1 MB 8 68 Watt
   AMD Opteron 852 1 / 1 2.6 GHz 1 MB 8 92.6 Watt
   AMD Opteron 254 1 / 1 2.8 GHz 1 MB 2 68 Watt
   AMD Opteron 254 1 / 1 2.8 GHz 1 MB 2 92.6 Watt
   AMD Opteron 854 1 / 1 2.8 GHz 1 MB 8 68 Watt
   AMD Opteron 854 1 / 1 2.8 GHz 1 MB 8 92.6 Watt
   AMD Opteron 256 1 / 1 3 GHz 1 MB 2 92.6 Watt
   AMD Opteron 856 1 / 1 3 GHz 1 MB 8 92.6 Watt
AMD Opteron family, K8 micro-architecture, Other sockets
   AMD Opteron 146 (rev. E4, socket 939) 1 / 1 2 GHz 1 MB 1 67 Watt
   AMD Opteron 148 (rev. E4, socket 939) 1 / 1 2.2 GHz 1 MB 1 85.3 Watt
   AMD Opteron 150 (rev. E4, socket 939) 1 / 1 2.4 GHz 1 MB 1 85.3 Watt
   AMD Opteron 152 (rev. E4, socket 939) 1 / 1 2.6 GHz 1 MB 1 104 Watt
   AMD Opteron 154 1 / 1 2.8 GHz 1 MB 1 104 Watt
   AMD Opteron 156 1 / 1 3 GHz 1 MB 1 104 Watt
Other families, K8 micro-architecture, Socket 940
   AMD Dual-Core Opteron 285 (OST) 2 / 2 2.6 GHz 2 MB 2 68 Watt
   AMD Dual-Core Opteron 285 SE 2 / 2 2.6 GHz 2 MB 2 119 Watt
   AMD Dual-Core Opteron 885 (OST) 2 / 2 2.6 GHz 2 MB 8  
   AMD Dual-Core Opteron 885 (95W) 2 / 2 2.6 GHz 2 MB 8 95 Watt
   AMD Dual-Core Opteron 290 2 / 2 2.8 GHz 2 MB 2 95 Watt
   AMD Dual-Core Opteron 890 2 / 2 2.8 GHz 2 MB 8 95 Watt

 • Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)

 • List of related CPUs is not complete.















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