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PRIMA VOCE Maria Ivoun 1[zasłonięte]916-19

07-05-2014, 20:52
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Koniec: 07-05-2014 20:45:43

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Maria Ivoun 1[zasłonięte]916-19
Nośnik Wydawca Cena Waluta
CD Nimbus Records 34.00 PLN
Opis albumu
"Here is one of the loveliest of all the century's sopranos, heard in a fine selection of her best recordings. Immaculate copies of the originals have been used here, and they respond well to Nimbus's methods of transfer. It is a disc which every lover of singing should rejoice in."

John B. Steane, Gramophone
  • 1 Bishop, Lo, here the gentle lark 3.36
    Rec: 1923-25 Matrix: 9854 Brunswick Cat: 10174

    2 L'ALLEGRO, Handel, Penseroso-Aria (Sweet Bird) 5.12
    Rec: 1925 Matrix: 887a AZ Grammophon Cat: 85313

    3 DON PASQUALE, Donizetti, Ah! un foco insolito 5.15
    Rec: 1924 Matrix: 1421 AS Grammophon Cat: 85302

    4 LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, Donizetti, Ardon gl'incensi 4.12
    Rec: 1917 Matrix: xxB 6328 Odeon Cat: 76977

    5 IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA, Rossini, Una voce poco fa 5.04
    Rec: 1925 Matrix: 1833 AS Grammophon Cat: 85309

    6 LA TRAVIATA, Verdi, E strano ... Ah, fors' ? lui ... Follie, follie ... Sempre libera [sung in German] 8.05
    Rec: 1916 Matrix: xxB 7084-2/xxB 7085-1 Odeon Cat: 76982/76983

    7 Chopin, Nocturne in E flat Op. 9 No. 2, [sung in German] 4.25
    Rec: 1917 Matrix: xxB 6332 Odeon Cat: 76975

    8 LES HUGUENOTS, Meyerbeer, Une dame noble et sage [sung in German] 3.53
    Rec: 1917 Matrix: xxB 6384-2 Odeon Cat: 76997

    9 DIE LUSTIGEN WEIBER VON WINDSOR, Nicolai, Nun eilt' herbei 4.46
    Rec: 1917 Matrix: xxB 6383-2 Odeon Cat: 76811

    10 Schubert, Horch, horch, die Lerche 3.07
    Rec: 1923-25 Matrix: Unknown Brunswick Cat: 15075

    11 Schubert, Winterreise: Die Post 2.49
    Rec: 1923-25 Matrix: Unknown Brunswick Cat: 15075

    12 J. Strauss, Frühlingstimmen Walzer 4.55
    Rec: 1924 Matrix: 889a AZ Grammophon Cat: 85313

    13 J. Strauss, Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald 3.20
    Rec: 1923-25 Matrix: Unknown Brunswick Cat: 10174

    14 Kreisler, Liebesfreud 3.50
    Rec: 1923-25 Matrix: Unknown Brunswick Cat: 50050

    15 Two Folksongs arr. Gund, O du liabs ?ngeli, Z'Lauterbach, hab' i' mein Strumpf verlor'n 3.34
    Rec: October 1932 Matrix: OD 913-2 Electrola Cat: DA 4402 with Michael Raucheisen piano

    16 Two Folksongs arr. Gund, Gsatzli, Maria auf dem Berge 3.18
    Rec: October 1932 Matrix: OD 914-1 Electrola Cat: DA 4402 with Michael Raucheisen piano

    17 J. Strauss, An der schönen blauen Donau 4.34
    Rec: May 1932 Matrix: 2D 1198-1 Electrola Cat: DB 4412 Berlin State Opera Orchestra, Leo Blech, conductor

    18 DIE FLEDERMAUS, J. Strauss, Czardas - Kl?nge der Heimat 4.16
    Rec: May 1932 Matrix: 2D 1205-3 Electrola Cat: DB 4412 Berlin State Opera Orchestra, Leo Blech, conductor
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Maria Ivogun - soprano
  • PRIMA VOCE - serie