PRESONUS FIREPOD FP10 - znany interface audio umozliwiajacy nagrywanie do 10 oddzielnych sciezek w jakosci studyjnej. Najlepsze przedwzmacniacze mikrofonowe w swojej klasie. Odbior osobisty w warszawie mile widziany.
ma maly mankament: w pierwszym kanale di utkwila wtyczka od gitary, najprawdopodobniej trzeba rozkrecic obudowe i wyjac, ja tego nie zrobilem bo nigdy nie przeszkadzalo mi to [to samo wejscie mik. xlr dziala].
w zestawie z zasilaczem. mam tez karte firewire z chipem Texas Instruments do laptopa, jezeli jest ktos zainteresowany.
PreSonus FP10 FireWire recording interface (formerly known as the FirePod) is a complete 24-bit/96kHz recording system combining 8 high-quality PreSonus XMAX microphone preamplifiers with 24-bit/96kHz analog to digital conversion.
XMAX Class A preampsThe FP10's XMAX Class A preamps are custom-designed by PreSonus. They run on power rails of 30V with no op amps, and are always in an "on" state for zero crossover distortion. This allows them to deliver high headroom with low-noise sonic performance, wide dynamic range, wide frequency range, and, most importantly, musicality and transparency. This gives you smooth highs, solid, deep lows, without losing everything in between. It's perfect for recording diverse sources. Eight potentiometers are on the front panel to easily control the input level of each preamplifier.Ins and OutsInputs one and two of the FP10 interface can be switched between microphone or instrument level while inputs three through eight can be switched between microphone or line input. Phantom power (+48V) is available on every channel in groups of four. Channels 1 and 2 feature fully balanced send and return TRS connectors on the rear of the rugged metal chassis for inserting outboard dynamics, EQ, and effects processors. There are 8 balanced TRS line outputs, 2 balanced TRS MAIN outputs, and CUE outputs for addtional monitoring. Using a stereo headphone output on the front panel, as well as mix control to balance monitoring levels between mixed input and main output signals, zero-latency monitoring is achieved. 2 channels of SPDIF input and output as well as MIDI input and output are also included. 2 FireWire ports make it possible to daisy-chain multiple FP10's together creating the possibility for adding additional inputs and outputs (with mic preamps) to your system.
PreSonus FP10 10x10 FireWire Interface (Firepod) Features: