Prayers of a Heretic explores the
"crime" of heresy and the condition of existential
displacement through the language of prayer and
prayerful voice/s. In the first section, "Visits and
Visitations," the poet imagines a variety of
protoganists in situations of supplication. The second
section, "In the Gleaning," examines the life,
trangressions, and prayers of the title character and
the primacy of books, libraries, and reading for refuge
and reconfiguration. Eschewing a secular/religious
divide, the book offers an expansive interpretation of
the enduring power of prayer. Four poems also have a
Yiddish version. —— A hiss. An incantation.
Fevered kisses. The heretical. In Prayers of a
Heretic, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub sings of the daily,
domestic, of the fleshy and the mortal. Listen to these
words—dirge, meditation, celebration. Through them, Taub
brings us closer to being human and to the
divine. —Julie R. Enszer, author of
Handmade Love Piety has a bad name these days.
But in these lyrical wrestlings with the flesh and the
spirit, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub reminds us that the pious
are often the most passionate, and the heretics often
the most holy. —Dr. Jay Michaelson,
author of Another Word for Sky: Poems Taub is
a master of the character study. His poems are crowded
with portraits, novels in miniature, of the old, the
overlooked, the dispossessed. Here you will find Aunt
Milkah Pesl, taciturn and unsentimental, the volunteer
in assisted living who reads books in Yiddish, the
patient in an MRI scanner listening to "a symphony of
terror" like "John Zorn on Quaaludes." There are the
regulars in a library, and the treasures found hidden in
the pages of old books. There are lonely men in search
of "fleshly glory." And over-arching all, there are
repentance and atonement, constantly remade
anew. —Kim Roberts, author of Pearl
Poetry Prize-winning Animal Magnetism This
book is a feast: sensuous, ironic, political, hilarious,
poignant and wise. Intimately Jewish yet embracing of
all, its cast of characters includes aged professors,
flirtatious landladies, poem-peddlers and the Pied
Piper. In "Credo," a stunning poem near the book's end,
Taub powerfully defines religion on his own terms, with
equal measures of awe, horror and gratitude at the
world. —Ruth L. Schwartz, author of
Edgewater Whether he's writing in English or
Yiddish, in poetry or prayer, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub has a
firm grasp on the language of the heart. His characters,
men (including one named Yermiyahu) and women whose only
crimes are that they are human, are as familiar as our
own reflections. In Taub's skilled and attentive hands,
no judgments are passed; heresy is in the eye of the
beholder. —Gregg Shapiro, author of
Protection Prayers of a Heretic
chronicles the physical and spiritual dimensions on
which life itself depends. In a word: shelter. When
observed by a poet with Taub's skill and generosity, the
acts of seeking, erecting and sustaining shelter become
memorably praiseworthy. Readers will be moved by much in
this collection, including the sleeping homeless woman
in the library "who surely traversed the city in storm
and sun"; and the unnamed schoolchildren, "united by
navy blue knee socks," carefully educated at a religious
school ("the palace of certainty shielding the
unknowable"). We aver what Taub avers: "there is no time
assigned for prayer the sanctuary never
closes." —Kevin Simmonds, author of
Mad for Meat