What kind of hypocrite should voters choose as their
next leader? The question seems utterly cynical. But, as
David Runciman suggests, it is actually much more
cynical to pretend that politics can ever be completely
sincere. The most dangerous form of political hypocrisy
is to claim to have a politics without hypocrisy.
''Political Hypocrisy'' is a timely, and timeless, book
on the problems of sincerity and truth in politics, and
how we can deal with them without slipping into
hypocrisy ourselves. Runciman tackles the problems
through lessons drawn from some of the great
truth-tellers in modern political thought - Hobbes,
Mandeville, Jefferson, Bentham, Sidgwick, and Orwell -
and applies his ideas to different kinds of hypocritical
politicians from Oliver Cromwell to Hillary Clinton.
Runciman argues that we should accept hypocrisy as a
fact of politics, but without resigning ourselves to it,
let alone cynically embracing it. We should stop trying
to eliminate every form of hypocrisy, and we should stop
vainly searching for ideally authentic
politicians.Instead, we should try to distinguish
between harmless and harmful hypocrisies and should
worry only about its most damaging varieties. Written in
a lively style, this book will change how we look at
political hypocrisy and how we answer some basic
questions about politics: what are the limits of
truthfulness in politics? And when, where, and how
should we expect our politicians to be honest with us,
and about what? |