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04-03-2012, 14:56
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  Polish Phrase book & dictionary

typically don't write reviews for books. However, I'm making the exception with this one. I am from the US and am dating a guy from Poland. We will be leaving in a few weeks to visit his family in Poland. They don't speak English, and I don't speak Polish. So as a last ditch effort to bridge the conversation gap, I ordered this book to keep in my purse...I figure that if all else fails, I can just point to what I'm trying to say in the book. However, now that I have this book, I actually think I might have a fighting chance at actually carrying on a conversation, or at least forming sentences. The phonetic pronunciations are EXCELLENT! However, it does help that my boyfriend speaks Polish so he can pronounce any words that I get hung up on. If you are able to figure out the pronunciations, they are really dead on! I highly recommend this book. I'm sure I'll be using it for years to come because it is amazing how much information Berlitz crammed in that one little book! Very impressive!!

Oprawa: Miękka
Format: 11.0x14.0cm
Ilość stron: 222
Rok wydania: 2007