Długo oczekiwany, nowoczesny kurs języka polskiego dla obcokrajowców. Dwadzieścia osiem dynamicznych lekcji pozwoli w krótkim czasie opanować polskie słownictwo w stopniu większym niż podstawowy. Przystępnie przedstawione zasady polskiej gramatyki, ciekawe dialogi, bogaty słowniczek.We offer you the new stories with the old characters. Part 2 of “Polish in 4 weeks” was written for those who want to continue learning Polish at the level B1, but also for all those people who are intermediate now and want to restart learning Polish. Grammatical material and vocabulary cover level B1. The book is useful for people who want to take a certificate exam in Polish. Its advantages include: • the natural contemporary language of the dialogues • typical situations from everyday life • an interesting story • an easily accessible course in grammar. Each lesson consists of: • dialogue with English translation • new vocabulary • grammatical commentary • exercises. The book is accompanied by a CD with recordings of all the dialogues.
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