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POLAND 1981 Towards Social Renewal _ Peter Raina

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      The year 1981 will go down in contemporary Polish history as a year of social renewal. Perhaps it is morę accurate to describe it as a year in which serious attempts were undertaken, both by the government and the independent trade union Solidarity, to initiate urgently needed socioeconomic reforms. In spite of stringent attitudes adopted on both sides, a number of import-ant compromises were reached. The government went a long way towards meeting the nationłs demands. It drafted laws which were, without doubt, landmarks in the process of renewal in socialist Poland. Solidarity also proposed extensive and thoughtful measures which, in the long run, would have helped overcome economic and political stagnation. The pubhVs hopes were, however, dashed when the proclamation of martial law in December 1981 halted the process of renewal.
      The stipulations of 1981 belong now to the Polish annals. But they are a precious historical record. They testify to the orginality and dynamism of the Polish mind. The year 1981 will continue to arouse the interest of future generations of historians. It will fascinate them, but also cause them sorrow. Fascination will result from the knowledge of how deeply the Polish nation had been concerned with social renewal; and sorrow will be the consequence of the observation that all these efforts were to no purpose.
      I have not even attempted to give a complete picture of this bewitching and hopeful year. I had a limited, rather modest aim in mind: I wanted to describe at length solely the intentions of official and non-official bodies aiming at reforming the current Polish system. It was, therefore, indispensable to include lengthy documents (agendas, draft Bills, laws, memoranda, programmes, etc.) in order to do justice to the points of view of those involved in this process of reform. The present volume will not answer all the ąuestions of the inquisitive reader, but it will, I hope, make him or her aware of the vastness of the problem.


      POLAND 1981 Towards Social Renewal

      Autor: Peter Raina

      Wydawnictwo i rok wydania:

      Stan: -bdb w paru miejscach zaznaczenia na kolorowo w tekscie.

      Oprawa: twarda

      Ilość stron: 472 str. str.

      Format: 16x24 cm cm

      Ilustracje: ----

      Spis treści:
      Preface page vii
      1 TheUneasyTruce 1
      Early Misgivings 1
      Communist Media on Polish Events 6
      The Threat of Soviet Intervention 9
      The Controversy over Free Saturdays 26
      Annex I 40
      2 The Governmenfs Conciliatory Gestures 49
      1 General Jaruzelski Assumes the Office of Prime
      Minister 49
      2 Government Concessions to Private Farmers 55
      The Rzeszów Agreement 59
      Official Protocol of the Agreement in Ustrzyki
      Dolne 68
      3 Concessions to Student Demands for Academic
      Freedom 74
      3 The Bydgoszcz Incident 81
      The Peasants! Congress in Poznań 81
      The Course of Events in Bydgoszcz 82
      Joint Government-Solidarity Statement on Bydgoszcz
      Events 98
      Agreement on the Creation of the Private Farmers8
      Trade Union 102
      4 The Draft of the Bili to Reform the Higher Education
      System 105
      Text of the Draft 106
      The Proposed Changes to the Draft Bili 159

      Solidarityk Principal Aims 169
      TheThousandearsJPrimate 198
      Splinter Groups in the Party 207
      Moscow7s Disenchantment with the Kania-Jaruzelski
      Performance 217
      vi Contents
      9 The Part/s Programme for Socialist Renewal 229
      The Ninth Extraordinary Party Congress 229
      The Party Programme 236

      TheDraftoftheLawonTradeUnions 254
      The New Censorship Law 274

      Draft One 277
      Draft Two 282
      Text of the Law 289

      Solidarity and the Government Indulge in
      Countercharges 298
      Solidarity Js Programme for the Natioirs Revival 319

      The First National Congress 319
      Solidarityłs Programme 326
      Other Resolutions 381
      Agreement between Solidarity and Polish Writersł
      Union 389
      14 LawsonWorkers^Self-Management and State
      Enterprises 3 91
      Law on Workers9 Self-Management 396
      State Enterprise Law 407
      15 Solidarity Draws the Longbow 420
      The Resumption of Government-Solidarity Talks 420
      Solidarity Presses its Demands 427
      The Cali for a Self-Governing Republic 444
      The Dialogue Nears its End 451
      SelectBibliography 465
      Index 467

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