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02-06-2012, 10:21
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 83 zł     
Użytkownik agdrtv-tanio
numer aukcji: 2336222697
Miejscowość częstochowa
Wyświetleń: 105   
Koniec: 24-05-2012 01:20:32

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha


SteelSeries QcK Barbarian Edition


Kod Producenta 67222
Opis Materiałowa podkładka pod mysz z serii QCK o wymiarach 320 x 270 x 2 mm

Barbarian Edition

This SteelSeries QcK Barbarian features the official character artwork of the Barbarian, a playable class in Blizzard Entertainment’s upcoming dark fantasy action role-playing game, Diablo® III. The Barbarians are a proud and strong race who have developed a spiritual strength that far surpasses most creatures.

Non-Slippery rubber

The SteelSeries QcK mini Diablo® III Logo Edition mousepad has a non-slip rubber base that prevents the pad from slipping when you use it. Also the rubber ensures that you have maximum comfort for your wrist and hand on the pad at all times.

Professionally Tested

The SteelSeries QcK series has been optimized and tested with professional gaming teams for the past decade. From the mini to the heavy, the QcK series offers something for every gamer regardless of their space and set-up.

More Than Just Cloth

The cloth surface on QcK provides a smooth and steady glide regardless of the tabletop or surface that it’s place on.

And The Numbers

    Height: 2 mm / 0.1 in
    Width: 320 mm / 12.6 in
    Length: 270 mm / 10.6 in


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