In this deft and vigorous book, Mark Balaguer
demonstrates that there are no good arguments for or
against mathematical platonism (i.e., the view that
abstract, or non-spatio-temporal, mathematical objects
exist, and that mathematical theories are descriptions
of such objects). Balaguer does this by establishing
that both platonism and anti-platonism are defensible
positions. In Part I, he shows that the former is
defensible by introducing a novel version of platonism,
which he calls full-blooded platonism, or FBP. He argues
that if platonists endorse FBP, they can then solve all
of the problems traditionally associated with their
view, most notably the two Benacerrafian problems (that
is, the epistemological problem and the non-uniqueness
In Part II, Balaguer defends
anti-platonism (in particular, mathematical
fictionalism) against various attacks, chief among them
the Quine-Putnam indispensability argument. Balaguer's
version of fictionalism bears similarities to Hartry
Field's, but the arguments Balaguer uses to defend this
view are very different. Parts I and II of this book
taken together clearly establish that we do not have any
good argument for or against platonism.
In Part
III, Balaguer extends his conclusions, arguing that it
is not simply that we do not currently have any good
argument for or against platonism, but that we could
never have such an argument, and indeed, that there is
no fact of the matter as to whether platonism is correct
(ie., whether there exist any abstract objects).
This lucid and accessibly written book breaks
new ground in its area of engagement and makes vital
reading for both specialists and anyone else interested
in the philosophy of mathematics or metaphysics in