Since the advent of the mantle plume hypothesis in
1971, scientists have been faced with the problem that
its predictions are not confirmed by observation. For
thirty years, the usual reaction has been to adapt the
hypothesis in numerous ways. As a result, the multitude
of current plume variants now amounts to an
unfalsifiable hypothesis. In the early 21st century
demand became relentless for a theory that can explain
melting anomalies in a way that fits the observations
naturally and is forward–predictive. From this the Plate
hypothesis emerged–the exact inverse of the Plume
hypothesis. The Plate hypothesis attributes melting
anomalies to shallow effects directly related to plate
tectonics. It rejects the hypothesis that surface
volcanism is driven by convection in the deep mantle.
Earth Science is currently in the midst of the kind of
paradigm–challenging debate that occurs only rarely in
any field. This volume comprises its first handbook. It
reviews the Plate and Plume hypotheses, including a
clear statement of the former. Thereafter it follows an
observational approach, drawing widely from many
volcanic regions in chapters on vertical motions of
Earth′s crust, magma volumes, time–progressions of
volcanism, seismic imaging, mantle temperature and
geochemistry. This text: Deals with a paradigm shift in
Earth Science – some say the most important since plate
tectonics Is analogous to Wegener′s The Origin of
Continents and Oceans Is written to be accessible to
scientists and students from all specialities This book
is indispensable to Earth scientists from all
specialties who are interested in this new subject. It
is suitable as a reference work for those teaching
relevant classes, and an ideal text for advanced
undergraduates and graduate students studying plate
tectonics and related topics. Visit Gillian′s own
website at