The adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies have given Disney their biggest hits of the decade. And while neither of the two sequels have come close to matching the first, there’s plenty for the family to enjoy across the trilogy of films here.
The first film is a belter. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl introduces us to Sparrow for the first time (earning Johnny Depp an Oscar nomination in the process), as well as the talented cast of supporting characters. The fun though, is when either Depp or Geoffrey Rush as Captain Barbossa are on the screen. Throw in lots of witty banter, some superb action sequences and a running time that doesn’t outstay its welcome, and you have a modern day blockbuster classic.
The sequels are far flabbier. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest does boast some outstanding effects work, and does introduce Bill Nighy as Davy Jones, but it also meanders around a lot, and tests the patience of its audience more than it should. Not as much as Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End though, which does compensate by having the best high definition transfer of the lot, and a stunning battle sequence near the end, but does ask that you stick with it through choppy waters.
With a fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie setting sail in the summer of 2011 though, it’s going to be a joy to see the further adventure of Depp’s simply superb Captain Jack. And if you want to enjoy his work to date on the franchise, and enjoy one of the best blockbuster movies of the last decade, then this is a very good box set to get. It’s a terrific high definition treat, too --Simon Brew
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