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PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Keith Laidler, John Meiser

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Physical Chemistry

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Keith Laidler, John Meiser



Author: Keith J. Laidler, John H. Meiser, Bryan C. Sanctuary
Language: English
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin (Academic)
Publication Date: 18 Jun 2002
Dimensions: 21.2 x 4.5 x 23 cm
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 960
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: A61D15B92X



The authors' careful attention to pacing and narrative structure has resulted in a clear, accessible and authoritative text that is less intimidating to students than other physical chemistry texts. At the same time, Physical Chemistry does not sacrifice the mathematical rigor and comprehensiveness necessary for this course. Completely revised and updated the 4e now includes expanded coverage of core topics such as new developments in laser spectroscopy, superconductivity and quantum mechanics. The new edition also boasts two colours, resulting in clearer and more attractive artwork and enhancement of the book's organisational structures. A popular feature of previous editions has been retained - the historical vignettes and brief biographies of famous physical chemists which help students see how theories have developed and add further interest to the course. A superior CD Rom accompanying the text offers students exciting multimedia features to facilitate learning and includes interactive simulations, animations, graphs and exercises designed to illustrate many of the key concepts of the book.




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