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Pete McCarthy McCarthys Bar Irlandia Ireland

10-05-2014, 16:04
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 5.90 zł     
Użytkownik kalbar11
numer aukcji: 4208123785
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 10-05-2014 15:54:49

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
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Pete McCarthy

McCarthy’s Bar

A journey of discovery In Ireland

[poniżej opis z okładki książki]

Never Pass a Bar That Has Your Name On It, says the eighth rule of Ravel; a very rewarding rule if your name is McCarthy and you’re wandering through the West of Ireland. As he meanders from Cork to Donegal, Pete encounters many McCarthy’s bars in which he explores his confused Irish-Anglo identity with colourful, friendly, and funny people, before pleading to be let out at four o’clock in the morning. Written by someone who is both insider and outsider, McCarthy’s Bar is a vivid and affectionate portrait of a rapidly changing country.

‘McCarthy is a hilariously funny writer’ The Times

‘The finest travel book of the year to date. A wonderful, wonderful book – clever, funny in all the right places. Observant, thought-provoking and bold, it does the Irish people justice and gives them an authentic voice. McCarthy’s Bar is Bryson without the boring bits – and I can pay its writer no higher compliment’ Oxford Times

‘In its freewheeling, informal, jokey way. It is nothing less than a portrait of modern Ireland, in all its splendid contradictions…Television’s loss has been literature’s gain’ Daily Telegraph

‘Mccarthy’s book will have you trying to contain your mirth. Of equal importance, it will inspire you to visit places you haven’t visited before, and tell you things about humankind you didn’t know. With McCarty’s Bar, your only pain will be from sides split by laughing’ Glasgow Herald

‘This book will make you laugh out loud’ Irish News

‘Pete McCarthy is a funny man…funny enough to have my neighbours pulling long faces as I sniggered on the Tube the other day’ The Sunday Times

‘One of the funniest writers around…If you were asked to choose the ideal travelling companion, you would probably put Pete McCarthy near the top of your list. But if he doesn’t happen to be available, McCarthy’s Bar is the next best thing’ Yorkshire Evening Post

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