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Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods - HB - nowość

24-10-2014, 23:45
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Dodatkowe informacje:
Autor: Inny autor
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2014
Przedział wiekowy: dla młodzieży (13-18 lat)
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Percy Jackson

and the

Greek Gods


• Author: Rick Riordan
• Pages: 432
• Formats: Hardcover
• Publisher: Puffin Books (7 Aug 2014)
• Product Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm
• Language: English
• ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]13554


Nowa !!!


Book Description

Who could tell the true stories of the gods and goddesses of Olympus better than modern-day demigod Percy Jackson?

In this action-packed tour of Greek mythology, Percy gives his hilarious personal views on the feuds, fights and love affairs of the Olympians.

Want to know how Zeus came to be top god? How many times Kronos ate one of his own kids? How Athena literally burst out of another god's head?

It's all here in black and white...

Featuring an exclusive bonus chapter from The Blood of Olympus, the fifth and final book in the Heroes of Olympus series!

About the Author

Richard Russell "Rick" Riordan, Jr. (born June 5, 1964) is an American author best known for writing the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. He also wrote the adult mystery series Tres Navarre and helped edit Demigods and Monsters, a collection of essays on his Percy Jackson series. He helped develop the ten books of The 39 Clues series and wrote the first book in the series, The Maze of Bones. In 2012, he completed a trilogy focusing on Egyptian mythology, The Kane Chronicles, and has published four out of five planned books of The Heroes of Olympus series, the sequel to the Percy Jackson series that focuses on Roman and Greek mythology. He is also planning to write a series based on Norse mythology.