|  Parakeets : A Complete Owners Guide What Parakeets Eat, Breeding Parakeets, Training And Caring For Them
Author: Alan McDaniel Language: English Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Publication Date: 1 Jun 2012 Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm Format: Paperback Pages: 24 Condition: NEW
Parakeets are loved by many persons, especially the ones that can domesticated as pets. The ring-necked parakeets are the ones that many people have as pets and this species can be found both in Asia as well as in Africa and Australia. When you have decided to pet a parakeet or a pair of parakeets as pets, it is very important that you know both how to house and to feed them. They love to fly as well as to climb and as such, their bird cage should be big enough to accommodate their activities both in length and well as in height. Albeit these birds do eat wild bird seeds, it is best for you to feed them with pet-grade bird seeds and preferably the organic type if you can find it. In addition to the pet-grade bird seeds, you will also need to add fruits and vegetables to their diet as this is very important especially when you are planning to breed them. When persons are breeding parakeets they usually prefer to have them in pairs so that they can know who parents the baby chicks. However, parakeets prefer to be in larger groups as they thrive much better that way. Parakeets can be very playful birds albeit the ones in the wild can be not as friendly as the domesticated ones which is quite understandable. If you buy them when they are young, you will need to have some interaction with them when every day until they become accustomed to you. Many persons love parakeets due to the fact that they can have a beautiful pet that can also talk if they train them to do so. Table of Contents Publishers Notes Dedication Facts About Parakeets : A Few Facts About This Bird Every Owner Should Know What Parakeets Eat : Feeding Parakeets Requires This Type Of Knowledge Breeding Parakeets : If You Want To Breed Parakeets Then This Is A Must Read Parakeets Training : Can Parakeets Talk, This Chapter Will Tell You How To Make Yours Chat Types Of Parakeets : The Different Types And Which One May Be Right For You Cages For Parakeets : This Is As Important As What You Feed The Bird Ring Necked Parakeets : Why We Always Recommend This Type ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Alan McDaniel grew up deathly afraid of birds since one fateful day in the park when he was four years old and a pigeon flew down and took the popcorn he was eating right out of his hands and flew away. He stayed far away from all birds from that day onwards. Well at least until that day he went to the zoo and saw the ring-necked parakeets and was awe-struck by their beautiful colors and y the fact that they could actually speak. He surprised his dad by asking him if he could go closer t to bird cage and actually touch the bird. He was tentative at first but after the first touch of those smooth, beautiful feathers, he was completely in love and his love affair led him to breed them as well as to have them as pets. He travels all over the world to find them and photograph them and has a collection of wonderful pictures in a studio that is reserved just for developing and hanging his pictures of his beloved parakeets. Albeit he is not obsessed enough to deserve the “bird man” nickname he has gotten, he is certainly in awe of parakeets so much so that he can tell you anything you wish to now about and he could do this even in his sleep. The birds love him as much as he loves them and even the ones he gives away to loving homes, he still see them as his babies and keep track of them no matter how far away from him they end up having their home. ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]81359
| | PROSZĘ ZAPOZNAĆ SIĘ Z WARUNKAMI AUKCJI PODANYMI NA DOLE STRONY ORAZ NA STRONIE O MNIE I W TREŚCI WIADOMOŚCI POTWIERDZAJĄCEJ ZAKUP W moim sklepie kupisz najtańsze w Polsce książki w języku angielskim. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowaniy jakąś pozycją, a nie posiadam jej aktualnie wystawionej - proszę o wiadomość - gwarantuję, że u mnie będzie najtaniej! Zapraszam na inne aukcje Wyszukiwanie za pomocją numeru ISBN: WYSZUKIWARKA ISBN JEŚLI ZNAJDZIESZ DANĄ POZYCJĘ TANIEJ U KOGOŚ NA ALLEGRO - PROSZĘ O INFORMACJĘ PRZED ZAKUPEM - U MNIE BĘDZIE JESZCZE TANIEJ! DO KAŻDEJ PRZESYŁKI PACZKĄ POCZTOWĄ LUB KURIEREM DOŁĄCZAM DARMOWĄ KSIĄŻKĘ UŻYWANĄ Z LISTY DOSTĘPNEJ NA STRONIE "O MNIE" Warunkiem otrzymania darmowej książki jest wpisanie jej numeru w formularzu dostawy. Zdjęcie poglądowe - okładki mogą się różnić. | |