SZCZEGÓŁY - 0601-[zasłonięte]-405 , mail - hi-[zasłonięte] , strona "O MNIE"
HC-V500 Kamera wideo FULL HD Funkcja inteligentnego zoomu 50x Filmy bez rozmyć dzięki stabilizatorowi obrazu HYBRID O.I.S.+ Funkcja konwersji obrazu 2D do 3D Zapis w trybie 1080/50p kompatybilny z progresywnym formatem AVCHD Zaawansowane odtwarzanie kluczowych scen Intuicyjna obsługa dotykowa za pośrednictwem panoramicznego, 3,0-calowego ekranu LCD
Dzięki funkcji 50x inteligentnego zoomu współpracującej z systemem HYBRID O.I.S.+ kamera ta umożliwia nagrywanie wyraźnego obrazu nawet odległych obiektów
Dzięki funkcji 50x zoomu HC-V500 mimo swoich kompaktowych rozmiarów umożliwia wykonywanie ultrazbliżeń. Wykorzystując technologię superwysokiej rozdzielczości oraz procesor obrazu wysokiej skali integracji „Crystal Engine PRO ", funkcja Inteligentnego zoomu pozwala na zwielokrotnienie zakresu zbliżeń oferowanego przez typowy zoom optyczny. Nowe modele kamer mogą rejestrować piękny obraz wykraczając poza zakres 38x zoomu oferowanego przez układ optyczny, rozszerzając go do potężnego zakresu 50x. Taki zakres zoomu pozwala silnie powiększać odległe obiekty, umożliwiając nagrywanie dynamicznych ujęć wypełniających akcją cały kadr.
System HYBRID O.I.S.+ wykorzystuje korekcję w 5-osiową, służącą dokładnemu wyeliminowaniu wszelkich rozmyć w całym zakresie zbliżeń, od ujęć szerokokątnych po intensywne zbliżenia. Zapewnia on również znakomite rezultaty w przypadku filmowania w marszu. Umożliwia użytkownikowi uzyskanie ostrego, wyraźnego obrazu pozbawionego rozmyć niemal w każdej sytuacji. Oprócz realizowanej przez system 4-osiowy korekcji obrazu w poziomie, pionie, przechyłów i przybliżeń/oddaleń, rewolucyjna funkcja korekcji w 5-osiowej kompensuje również wszystkie rodzaje obrotów kamery powodowanych drżeniem dłoni, często występujących podczas filmowania w ruchu.
Funkcja konwersji obrazu 2D do 3D pozwala łatwo cieszyć się obrazem 3D, nawet bez konieczności montowania obiektywu konwersyjnego 3D. Wystarczy po prostu za pośrednictwem kabla HDMI podłączyć kamerę do telewizora kompatybilnego z wyświetlaniem obrazu 3D. Funkcja konwersji obrazu 2D do 3D wykorzystuje wówczas do zamiany obrazu dwuwymiarowego na trójwymiarowy możliwości przetwarzania procesora obrazu. Jest to łatwy, doraźny sposób umożliwiający skorzystanie z wrażeń oferowanych przez technologię 3D.
Nagrywanie w formacie 1080/50p (Full HD 1920 x 1080 pikseli, 50 pełnych klatek na sekundę), przy szybkości transmisji danych 28 Mb/s, pozwala utrwalić około dwukrotnie więcej informacji niż zapis w formacie 1080i (z przeplotem), zapewniając przy tym wyjątkowo wysoką jakość obrazu. Minimalizuje on zjawiska poobrazu i migotania występujące przy okazji dynamicznej zmiany położenia filmowanych obiektów. Nagrywa on wyraźny, szczegółowy obraz z płynnym ruchem, nawet w przypadku filmowania szybko poruszających się obiektów np. podczas zawodów sportowych. Zapis bez przeplotu w pełni wykorzystuje zalety nowego progresywnego standardu AVCHD.
Zaawansowana funkcja odtwarzania kluczowych momentów została stworzona dla użytkowników oczekujących możliwości szybkiego przeglądania zarejestrowanego materiału. Wykorzystując I.I.S. (inteligentny system indeksowania) oznacza ona jako kluczowe momenty zmiany zbliżenia, panoramowanie, zmiany sceny, pojawianie się nowych twarzy na nagranym obrazie itp. Użytkownik może również uzupełnić te automatycznie wykryte zdarzenia według własnego wyboru. Następnie kamera pozwala na automatyczne odtwarzanie i zapisywanie wykrytych kluczowych scen z ustawionym wcześniej interwałem.
Informacja o substancjach podlegających rozporządzeniu UE 1907/2006 (REACh): Beautiful zoom shots of distant subjects.Intelligent 50x Zoom The V500/V500M feature an Intelligent Zoom function that goes all the way up to 50x. When using Intelligent Zoom, Intelligent Resolution technology lets you shoot at high zoom rates while preserving the image resolution. You get sharp images of highly detailed objects – without the blurry edges. Powerful hand-shake compensation over the entire zoom range.HYBRID O.I.S. + HYBRID O.I.S. + uses five-axis correction to thoroughly suppress blurring all the way from wide-angle shots to powerful zoom shots. It also achieves superb effects when shooting while walking. This lets you capture crisp, clear images, without blurring, in almost every shooting situation. Even more powerful hand-shake compensation.O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer) Lock The image-stabilizing effect is increased by pressing and holding the O.I.S. Lock indication on the LCD screen, which maximizes the blur detection sensitivity. This is great for when you want to zoom at a fixed angle, like for bird watching. Captures large groups, even when shooting from up close.32.4mm Wide-Angle* The 32.4mm wide-angle* setting fits more people and more of the background into the frame than conventional models. This is especially handy when you want to take a group photo in a small room. It fits your subjects in even when you shoot from up close, and makes it possible to pick up even small sounds with the mic. * 35mm camera equivalent Stunning still images, even when enlarged.Still Picture Recording Still Picture Recording at 3 Megapixels Still Picture Recording mode lets you shoot with a maximum resolution of 3 megapixels.* You can also simultaneously record still images and video at 3 megapixels.** For images recorded with a 16:9 aspect ratio. Clearly catch target subject sounds.New Zoom Mic and Wind Noise Canceller Zoom Mic The Zoom Mic function links the microphones to the lens action. When you zoom in on a subject, the microphones focus on the sound in that same direction. By suppressing the noise on both side of the camera, its performance improves 3 dB.** Compared with HDC-HS80/TM80/SD80 Wind Noise Canceller The Wind Noise Canceller automatically detects and suppresses only wind noise. It lets you capture natural sounds with lifelike ambience even when shooting in windy conditions outdoors or by the sea. Sharps focusing even up close.Tele-Macro You can shoot macro close-ups while maintaining a distance of 70cm from your subject. In addition, using the zoom at full magnification makes it much easier to capture extreme close-ups without your body or camera casting a shadow on the subject and while keeping the background in soft focus. Intricate details from Intelligent Resolution Technology.Crystal Engine PRO The Crystal Engine PRO instantly processes the huge amount of data that goes into Full-HD images, and further enhances Full-HD quality. It produces smooth, high-resolution zoom shots even when the range exceeds the limit for optical zooming. Crystal Engine PRO clearly delineates even the tiniest details of your subject, with extremely natural beauty. In addition, its Noise Reduction (NR) technology has been completely redesigned. The low-frequency noise that occurs when recording in dim lighting has been further minimized. Compared to previous Panasonic models, noise has been reduced by approximately 40%.* And Intelligent Resolution Technology ensures sharp and crisp pictures, resulting in bright and beautifully colored motion images.* Compared with the conventional engine for HDC-SD80, HDC-TM80, and HDC-HS80 Sharpens details and enhances smooth areas.Intelligent Resolution Technology The Intelligent Resolution Technology incorporated in the Crystal Engine PRO uses edge detection technology to confirm the edges of objects within the image, then emphasizes the edges for optimal clarity. For example, it brings crisp definition to patterns and the outlines of objects like flowers. Conversely, it reduces noise and enhances the natural smoothness of parts without edges, like the sky. The increased sharpness is especially effective for images with delicate details. This highly advanced technology maximizes the beauty of Full-HD images.* Intelligent Resolution Technology works only for digital zoom shots. Beautiful images even in dimly lit place.High Sensitivity Sensor The High Sensitivity Sensor on the V500/V500M has a higher level of sensitivity than conventional sensors, to make dark scenes brighter and more beautiful. Ideal for shooting indoors, at parties, and in similar situations, it greatly increases your shooting opportunities. Crisp, clear images even for fast-moving subjectsAVCHD Progressive Compliant 1080/60p (50p) Recording 1080/60p (50p) recording (Full-HD, 1,920 x 1,080, 60 (50) progressive recording) conveys about twice the information of 1080i (interlace) recording. Fast-moving subjects, such as in sports scenes, are smoothly recorded. The progressive recording of the V500/V500M fully complies with the AVCHD Progressive standard. Interlaced Scanning (1080/60i (50i))Only half of the image data is reproduced in each picture. Fabric patterns run together, and moiré patterns appear.Progressive Scanning (1080/60p (50p))Reproduces all of image data in a single picture. Patterns in fabric are crisp and clear with no color bleeding. Enjoy 3D images the easy way.2D to 3D Conversion 2D images can be easily transformed into 3D images with the 2D to 3D Conversion function. Simply connect the camcorder to a 3D-compatible TV with an HDMI cable. The 2D to 3D Conversion function then uses the image processing capability of the engine to convert 2D images into 3D. This is an easy, casual way to enjoy the excitement of 3D. Play a compilation of the most exciting scenes.Advanced Highlight Playback Select the days of the recordings you want to see, and this innovative function automatically selects the most exciting scenes, arranges them, plays them, with music, or ones that the user has personally selected, according to a set time interval. It decides how exciting a scene is, based on zooming, panning, and scene changes, and whether there are faces. The V500/V500M has both advanced with the addition of playback effects that include slow motion, still image fading, and flash playback. Four image effect modes – natural, pop, dynamic and classical – have also been added. Set different effects based on the mood of your images, and enjoy memorable scenes just the way you remember them when shooting. The Face Highlight Playback mode places priority on selecting the faces of subjects who are registered in the Face Recognition function, for quick playback of the scenes where they are clearly recorded, together with music. Playback image effect mode Enjoy more impressive highlight playback with natural switching effects. View highlight playback of the images you've taken, together with a variety of fun effects. Enjoy highlight playback with speedy, dynamic effects. Enjoy highlight playback with dramatic effects applied mainly to your subject's faces. Variety of index for easy selection of particular scenes.Face Highlight, Highlight and Time Frame Index The index function has been enhanced with the addition of a feature that divides each recorded scene into a number of smaller scenes, and displays thumbnails for each. This makes it much easier to find a particular part of a scene without having to fast-forward. Face Highlight IndexThe Face Highlight Index selects scenes that have faces in them and displays them in an index format. This handy function lets you quickly find and view scenes that have people in them.Highlight IndexThe camera automatically selects and displays the most exciting scenes. It determines the level of importance of each scene based on zooming and panning, and whether there are faces. This gives you an easy, convenient way to view all the highlights together.Time Frame IndexThis mode divides each recorded clip into 3-second, 6-second, 12-second, 1-minute and 5-minute intervals, and displays them. This is convenient when you want to find a specific scene within a long clip. Easily watching with connect a cable - or just use the memory card.Easy Connecting, Easy Viewing Just connect your HD camcorder to an HDTV and get ready for an incredible high-definition video show. If your TV is HDMI* compatible, a single HDMI mini cable is all you need. When using a video component cable, you need a separate audio cable.* HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. VIERA LinkConnect your HD camcorder to a VIERA* or compatible Blu-ray Disc™ Player* via an HDMI mini cable, and you can control both units in synchronized operation with a single remote control. This kind of simple, easy operation makes it enjoyable to view your recordings. * Availability of models may differ depending on the country.* With VIERA Link, a control signal sent through the HDMI cable allows linked operation of a VIERA TV, compatible DIGA DVD recorder, and the HD camcorder. Please note that this function applies only to equipment that is compatible with VIERA Link, and that VIERA Link does not let you control every function of all connected equipment. Playback with SD CardJust slip the SD card from your camcorder into the SD card slot on your VIERA TV* or Blu-ray Disc™ Player,* and you're ready to view Full-HD moving images recorded. * Availability of models may differ depending on the country.The models availability varies depending on countries and regions. JPEG format still images can be viewed with other SD Memory Card Slot-equipped models. Copy in Full-HD 1080/60p (50p), Full-HD 1080/60i (50i), or MPEG-2 FormatArchiving and Playback The HD camcorders have a USB Host function that lets you connect directly to a DVD burner via a USB cable. Then just press a button and you can copy the moving images you recorded from the SD card or Built-in Memory to a DVD disc.* ** AVCHD compatible models.Easy AVCHD to MPEG-2 ConversionYou can make a copy either in the original high-definition AVCHD format,* or in the standard-definition DVD-Video (MPEG-2) format. Choose the one that matches your playback equipment.* Except for 1080/60p (50p) recording format. Archiving 1080/60p (50p) Data with a PC or Blu-ray Disc™ Recorder***You can save 1080/60p (50p) video data onto a Blu-ray Disc™ by using a PC or Blu-ray Disc™ Recorder.*** *** Available only for Spring 2012 or newer models. Playback with a DVD burner To view the disc you just burned, simply connect the HD camcorder to an HDTV via an HDMI mini cable.• The 12-cm DVD discs that you create with a DVD burner can be played on a Blu-ray Disc™ Player. Use your PC and included software HD Writer AE 4.0Editing, Archiving and YouTube™ or Facebook™ Uploading HD Writer AE 4.0 software, included with the camcorder, makes it easy to play or edit videos on your PC and have more fun when the shooting's done. Also, the ordinarily time-consuming task of converting and archiving data from 60p* to AVCHD or MPEG-2 format can be easily done at high speed by connecting the camcorder to a PC with a USB cable and using the camcorder's Conversion Assist function.* 50p for PAL area. Also Enjoyable When the Shooting's Done For further informationabout Panasonic PCImporting DataWhen the camcorder is connected to a PC, the software automatically starts up. Importing data takes only a few clicks of the mouse.Easy YouTube™ and Facebook™ UploadingThe videos you've recorded are easily uploaded to YouTube™ or Facebook™ in their original high quality. HD Writer AE 4.0 lets you share your videos worldwide.EditingAlong with the full editing functions such as adding titles, rearrangement scenes, transition effects, and editing images, a Timeline mode has also been added. This allows a timeline to be displayed with a storyboard, for highly accurate editing while fine-tuning the timing of video images. The playback timing of background music can also be finely adjusted to enable precise insertion.Short Movie StoryThe newly added Short Movie Story function makes it possible to transform still images and videos into dramatic short videos. Once the still images/videos, a theme, and background music are selected, the software takes over to automatically produce the movie. When completed, you can save the video onto a disc in HD image quality, or easily upload it to YouTube™ or Facebook™.Video RetouchVideo Retouch is a new function that lets you decorate images with text, graphic painting or stamp pens. By using a game-like approach to add an extra editing touch to finished images, they become even more attractive and enjoyable.ArchivingMake a copy either in the original high-definition AVCHD format, or in the standard-definition DVD-Video (MPEG-2) format. MOŻLIWIOŚĆ KUPIENIA NA INNYCH NASZYCH AUKCJACH KARTY PAMIĘCI TORBY,FUTERAŁY,PLECAKI NA APARATY,KAMERY DODATKOWE AKUMULATORY ZEGARY,BUDZIKI DLA DZIECI CAR-AUDIO SPRZĘT AGD SPRZĘT FOTO-VIDEO SŁUCHAWKI KINA DOMOWE STACJE DOKUJĄCE iPHONE iPOD RADIO-CD ODTWARZACZE , BOOMBOXY
The V500/V500M feature an Intelligent Zoom function that goes all the way up to 50x. When using Intelligent Zoom, Intelligent Resolution technology lets you shoot at high zoom rates while preserving the image resolution. You get sharp images of highly detailed objects – without the blurry edges.
HYBRID O.I.S. + uses five-axis correction to thoroughly suppress blurring all the way from wide-angle shots to powerful zoom shots. It also achieves superb effects when shooting while walking. This lets you capture crisp, clear images, without blurring, in almost every shooting situation.
The image-stabilizing effect is increased by pressing and holding the O.I.S. Lock indication on the LCD screen, which maximizes the blur detection sensitivity. This is great for when you want to zoom at a fixed angle, like for bird watching.
The 32.4mm wide-angle* setting fits more people and more of the background into the frame than conventional models. This is especially handy when you want to take a group photo in a small room. It fits your subjects in even when you shoot from up close, and makes it possible to pick up even small sounds with the mic. * 35mm camera equivalent
Still Picture Recording mode lets you shoot with a maximum resolution of 3 megapixels.* You can also simultaneously record still images and video at 3 megapixels.** For images recorded with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
The Zoom Mic function links the microphones to the lens action. When you zoom in on a subject, the microphones focus on the sound in that same direction. By suppressing the noise on both side of the camera, its performance improves 3 dB.** Compared with HDC-HS80/TM80/SD80
The Wind Noise Canceller automatically detects and suppresses only wind noise. It lets you capture natural sounds with lifelike ambience even when shooting in windy conditions outdoors or by the sea.
You can shoot macro close-ups while maintaining a distance of 70cm from your subject. In addition, using the zoom at full magnification makes it much easier to capture extreme close-ups without your body or camera casting a shadow on the subject and while keeping the background in soft focus.
The Crystal Engine PRO instantly processes the huge amount of data that goes into Full-HD images, and further enhances Full-HD quality. It produces smooth, high-resolution zoom shots even when the range exceeds the limit for optical zooming. Crystal Engine PRO clearly delineates even the tiniest details of your subject, with extremely natural beauty. In addition, its Noise Reduction (NR) technology has been completely redesigned. The low-frequency noise that occurs when recording in dim lighting has been further minimized. Compared to previous Panasonic models, noise has been reduced by approximately 40%.* And Intelligent Resolution Technology ensures sharp and crisp pictures, resulting in bright and beautifully colored motion images.* Compared with the conventional engine for HDC-SD80, HDC-TM80, and HDC-HS80
The Intelligent Resolution Technology incorporated in the Crystal Engine PRO uses edge detection technology to confirm the edges of objects within the image, then emphasizes the edges for optimal clarity. For example, it brings crisp definition to patterns and the outlines of objects like flowers. Conversely, it reduces noise and enhances the natural smoothness of parts without edges, like the sky. The increased sharpness is especially effective for images with delicate details. This highly advanced technology maximizes the beauty of Full-HD images.* Intelligent Resolution Technology works only for digital zoom shots.
The High Sensitivity Sensor on the V500/V500M has a higher level of sensitivity than conventional sensors, to make dark scenes brighter and more beautiful. Ideal for shooting indoors, at parties, and in similar situations, it greatly increases your shooting opportunities.
1080/60p (50p) recording (Full-HD, 1,920 x 1,080, 60 (50) progressive recording) conveys about twice the information of 1080i (interlace) recording. Fast-moving subjects, such as in sports scenes, are smoothly recorded. The progressive recording of the V500/V500M fully complies with the AVCHD Progressive standard.
2D images can be easily transformed into 3D images with the 2D to 3D Conversion function. Simply connect the camcorder to a 3D-compatible TV with an HDMI cable. The 2D to 3D Conversion function then uses the image processing capability of the engine to convert 2D images into 3D. This is an easy, casual way to enjoy the excitement of 3D.
Select the days of the recordings you want to see, and this innovative function automatically selects the most exciting scenes, arranges them, plays them, with music, or ones that the user has personally selected, according to a set time interval. It decides how exciting a scene is, based on zooming, panning, and scene changes, and whether there are faces. The V500/V500M has both advanced with the addition of playback effects that include slow motion, still image fading, and flash playback. Four image effect modes – natural, pop, dynamic and classical – have also been added. Set different effects based on the mood of your images, and enjoy memorable scenes just the way you remember them when shooting. The Face Highlight Playback mode places priority on selecting the faces of subjects who are registered in the Face Recognition function, for quick playback of the scenes where they are clearly recorded, together with music.
Enjoy more impressive highlight playback with natural switching effects.
View highlight playback of the images you've taken, together with a variety of fun effects.
Enjoy highlight playback with speedy, dynamic effects.
Enjoy highlight playback with dramatic effects applied mainly to your subject's faces.
The index function has been enhanced with the addition of a feature that divides each recorded scene into a number of smaller scenes, and displays thumbnails for each. This makes it much easier to find a particular part of a scene without having to fast-forward.
Just connect your HD camcorder to an HDTV and get ready for an incredible high-definition video show. If your TV is HDMI* compatible, a single HDMI mini cable is all you need. When using a video component cable, you need a separate audio cable.* HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.
* Availability of models may differ depending on the country.* With VIERA Link, a control signal sent through the HDMI cable allows linked operation of a VIERA TV, compatible DIGA DVD recorder, and the HD camcorder. Please note that this function applies only to equipment that is compatible with VIERA Link, and that VIERA Link does not let you control every function of all connected equipment.
* Availability of models may differ depending on the country.The models availability varies depending on countries and regions. JPEG format still images can be viewed with other SD Memory Card Slot-equipped models.
The HD camcorders have a USB Host function that lets you connect directly to a DVD burner via a USB cable. Then just press a button and you can copy the moving images you recorded from the SD card or Built-in Memory to a DVD disc.*
To view the disc you just burned, simply connect the HD camcorder to an HDTV via an HDMI mini cable.• The 12-cm DVD discs that you create with a DVD burner can be played on a Blu-ray Disc™ Player.
HD Writer AE 4.0 software, included with the camcorder, makes it easy to play or edit videos on your PC and have more fun when the shooting's done. Also, the ordinarily time-consuming task of converting and archiving data from 60p* to AVCHD or MPEG-2 format can be easily done at high speed by connecting the camcorder to a PC with a USB cable and using the camcorder's Conversion Assist function.* 50p for PAL area.