Sklep Muzyczny PASJA
02-587 Warszawa, ul. Wiktorska 7/11
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08 1140 [zasłonięte] 2[zasłonięte]0040002 [zasłonięte] 490392
Możliwość zakupu na raty
PALMER AUTOMAT kaczka automatyczna AUTO WAH WAH
Two effects in one box
The Palmer PEAUTO is an auto wahwah and distortion pedal in one. Featuring the familiar distortion circuitry of the Palmer PEDIST and an additional auto wah, the PEAUTO offers a gamut of sounds from gentle to hard, from mellow thickness to the ultimate wall of distortion. Housed in a solid metal case with extended edges for optimum protection of the in- and outputs, the knurled knobs are easy to grip and the sturdy footswitch offers just the right action point. A red LED clearly indicates if the effect is active or the PEAUTO is in bypass mode. It is powered by an external 9-volt power supply or, alternatively, a 9-volt block battery.
Technical Specifications
Input impedance: 470 kohms
Output impedance: 100 kohms
Residual noise: -85 dB (all controls centered)
Controls: Q-factor, Tone, Wet / Dry
Indicator: LED on / off
Connectors: IN, OUT, DC input (9 V)
Footswitch: true bybass
Power requirements: 9 V block battery or 9 V DC supply (optional)
Power consumption: 14 mA (9 V DC)
Dimensions (W x H x D): 120 mm x 60 mm x 150 mm
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