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Ozone 2013 Edge 9m - RATY- kite24-pl

29-04-2014, 20:44
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Miejscowość Olsztyn
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Koniec: 29-04-2014 20:18:24

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Marka: Ozone
Powierzchnia [m2]: 9.00 [m2]
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Ozone 2013 Edge rozmiar 9m

Ozone 2013 Edge 9m (kite only)

Zestaw składa się z latawca oraz plecaka z zestawem naprawczym w środku.


w rozmiarach: • 7m • 9m •11m •13m •15m * 17m

Devoted to Performance, Development and Design

The Edge is a no compromise design; we wanted a kite that is as refined as a race car in terms of high end performance. The sleek low drag planform combined with our high power airfoil section results in a kite that is fast, powerful and dynamic. The addition of our new low drag Aramid bridle lines takes the Edge one step further, these bridle lines are 50% thinner than the standard bridle line and gives the Edge a turbo charged feel.

The power the Edge generates and delivers is unmatched. If you like to send it for big air and hang time the Edge packs an awesome punch, putting you higher and for longer than you can imagine. The speed and power are easily converted into height, and its high performance airfoil gives you plenty of float which extends your air time. If you like going really big, then hit a small wave at full speed, send it at the same time and I guarantee you will be higher than you have ever been… naturally!

The Edge is not only a freeride performance machine. In the Race scene it has more than proven its pedigree, consistently helping riders take the top three steps of Championship podiums all over the world. Results speak for themselves and the Edge has more than any other ‘race kite’. For committed racers our new Race Control System allows the Edge to be trimmed on the fly while fully powered and in position. The double pulley design enables easy micro power control and adjustment allowing you to hold your line at all times.

The beauty of the Edge is that anyone can enjoy its performance, not just racers. It is a great light wind kite on a twin tip because of its amazing power generation. I can frequently ride the 9m while other riders are struggling with 12m kites, and as soon as the wind picks up you then have a boost machine!

There is no hype here, just fact. Take a test ride to see what all the fuss is about…

Rob Whittall - Ozone Kite Designer


EDGE Design & Performance Features

Insane upwind and downwind capabilities
Extreme hang-time and lift
Huge de-power range
Low Drag Aramid Bridles
4-line pulley-less system (no pulleys, no problems)
Comparable feeling throughout the size range
One-Pump system for quick and easy setup
High volume inflate/deflate valve
Multiple trimming options for customized handling and bar pressure
Color coded and numbered fool proof line connectors

EDGE Construction Features

Exceptional hand checked Ozone factory construction using the highest quality materials
Teijin Techno Force sail material
Dimension Polyant Dacron for the LE & Struts
Internal reinforcements for improved durability
Double stitched bonded seams
Dacron reinforced tip area for load distribution
Reinforced leading edge and struts in high stress areas
Reinforced trailing edge
Light weight & low profile aerodynamic leading edge scuff pads
Unique bladder construction with double layer section in wear areas
Ozone warranty and back-up service guaranteed






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