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Otto: Idea of the Holy, świętość

21-07-2014, 17:21
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Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1958
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Rudolf Otto

The Idea of the Holy

An Inquiry into the non-rational factor in the idea of the divine and its relation to the rational

Oxford University Press 1958

Stron XXI+232, format: 13,5x20 cm

Książka używana: stan dobry plus, bez defektów.


Before religión became "morality touched with emotion" it was the emotion itself, or a group of emotions, and it still is. Those emotions are, in the translator's summary, "the feeling of the 'uncanny,' the thrill of awe or r¿verence, the sense of dependence, of impotence, or of nothingness, or again, the feelings of religious rapture and exaltation."The author of the present book calis them the non-rational feelings, the sense of the tremendous, the awful, the mysterious, or, in a word of his own choosing, the "numinous."Both author and translator make it clear that religión must accommodate both the numinous and the ethical. The Idea of the Holy (Das Heilige), which is fundamentally an inquiry into the non-rational factor in the idea of the divine and its relation to the rational, is a book which has established itself, since the English translation first appeared in 1923, as a classic in the field of religious philosophy.

"It is a book that every Christian thinker needs, and this translation has firmly established its position as an authorita-tive and lucid representation of an acknowledged classic of religious thought.'London Quarterly Review

Rudolf Otto, who died in 1937, was born at Peine in Hanover in 1869. He traveled widely and in 1910 set out on a long journey to the East which was to take him round the world. In 1917 he was appointed to a Chair of Theology at Marburg-on-the-Lahn, and"one of the special ihterests in the last ten years of his life was the establishment at Marburg of a museum for the comparative study of religions, not as dead curiosities but as living faiths."




translator's preface to second edition ix

note on appendixes, &c xx

foreword by the author (to first english edition) Xxi

i. the rational and the non-rational i

n. 'numen' and the 'numinous' 5

hi. the elements in the 'numinous'

Creature-feeling 8

iv. mysterium tremendum

the analysis of 'tremendum* 12

1. The Element of Awefulness 13

2. The Element of'Overpoweringness' 19

3. The Element of 'Energy' or Urgency 23

v. the analysis of 'mysterium'

4. The 'Wholly Other' 25

vi. 5. the element of fascination 31

vh. analogies and associated feelings 41

The Law of the Association of Feelings 42

Schematization 45

Vm. the holy as a category of value t

Sin and Atonement 50

lx. means of expression of the numinous:

5. Direct Means 60

6. Indirect Means 61

7. Means by which the Numinous is expressed in Art 65

x. the numinous in the old testament j2

xi. the numinous in the new testament 82

xh. the numinous in luther 94

xih. the two processes of development IO9

Vlil contents

xiv. the holy as an a priori category. part i 112

xv. its earliest manifestations 117

xvi. the 'cruder' phases 132

xvii. the holy as an a priori category. part ii 136

xviii. the manifestations of the 'holy' and the faculty of 'divination' 143

xix. divination in primitive christianity 155

xx. divination in christianity to-day 162

xxi. history and the a priori in religion: summary and conclusion 175


I. Chrysostom on the Inconceivable in God 179

ii. The Numinous in Poetry, Hymn, and Liturgy 186
in. Original Numinous Sounds 190

iv. 'Spirit' and 'Soul' as Numinous Entities 193

v. The Supra-personal in the Numinous 197

vi. The Mystical Element in Luther's Conception of 'Faith' 204

vii. 'Signs Following' 207

viii. Silent Worship 210

ix. A Numinous Experience of John Ruskin 215

x. The Expression of the Numinous in English 216

xi. The Mysterium Tremendum in Robertson and Watts 220

xii. The Resurrection as a Spiritual Experience 222

xiii. Religious Essays, A Supplement to 'The Idea of the Holy" (O.U.P.): table of contents 229

index 230

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