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29-02-2012, 12:14
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Koniec: 31-01-2012 13:27:42

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
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Wytwórnia: Malignant Records
Numer Katalogowy: TUMOR CD04
Format: CD
Kraj Wydania: Stany Zjednoczone (USA)
Data Wydania: 1996
Gatunki Muzyczne:
Industrial, Rhythmic Noise, Experimental, Dark Ambient
Podobni Wykonawcy:
Vromb, Xabec, Kom-Intern, Empusae, Synapscape, Iszoloscope
For over a decade, Orphx has been creating a unique fusion of electro-acoustic
experimentation and propulsive dance music. Using an assortment of synthesizers,
 samplers, feedback systems, and various homemade instruments, Orphx combines
 the experimental aesthetics of early industrial music with the hypnotic pulse
 of techno, electro and dub.
Orphx began in 1993 in Dundas, Canada, as a trio consisting of Rich Oddie, Aron
West and Christina Sealey. Oddie and West created the Xcreteria label to release
the music of Orphx, drone side-project Antiform and related groups. West left in
1995 to pursue noise project Tropism with collaborator Johnny Dark and Orphx
has since become the studio project of Rich Oddie, often working in collaboration
 with Christina Sealey on recordings and live performances.
Orphx has gained a substantial international following as part of the “rhythm noise”
scene associated with European record labels such as Hands, Ant-Zen, Hymen, Ad
Noiseam and Zhark. Oddie and Sealey have performed in numerous countries
around the world, combining live audio with original video compositions that
explore themes of social/psychological conflict, power and resistance. Each
release has explored these themes from different angles and with different
approaches to sound, ranging from minimalist soundscapes to
 relentless rhythm and noise.
01. Word And Symbol
02. Layers Of Dura
03. Ekstasis
04. Auto-Erotic
05. Sepsis
06. Tanha
07. Pathogenesis
08. Words Once Spoken
09. Electroencephalographic Measurements
10. Samsara
11. Cellular Resonance
12. Within
STAN: okładki w stanie idealnym, jak nowe. płyta
w stanie bardzo dobrym++, praktycznie jak nowa.

koszt wysyłki 1-3 płyt CD - 7zł
koszt wysyłki 4-8 płyt CD - 9zł
koszt wysyłki powyżej 9 płyt CD - 12zł

Wszystkie sprzedawane przeze mnie płyty CD są ORYGINALNE.
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