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One Hundred Love
Sonnets: Cien Sonetos De Amor (Texas Pan American
Series) |
DETAILS: Author: Pablo
Neruda, Stephen Tapscott Language: English Publisher: University of Texas
Press Publication Date: 1
Jun 1986 Dimensions: 14.6
x 1.8 x 22.9 cm Format: Paperback Pages: 232 Condition: NEW Product_ID: AB9B76A280
Against the backdrop of Isla Negra - the sea and
wind, the white sand with its scattering of delicate
wild flowers, the hot sun and salty smells of the
Pacific - Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda sets these
joyfully sensual poems in celebration of his love. The
subject of that love: Matilde Urrutia de Neruda, the
poet's 'beloved wife'. As popular in the Hispanic world
as the poet's renowned ''Twenty Love Poems and a Song of
Despair'', ''One Hundred Love Sonnets'' has never before
been published in its entirety in English translation.
The reason for this astonishing neglect may lie in the
historical circumstances that surrounded Neruda's
'discovery' by English-speaking readers. In the United
States, he came to popularity during the turmoil of the
sixties, when Americans needed a politically committed
poet, and much of Neruda's canon answered that need.
But, in his native Chile and throughout Latin America,
Neruda has always been cherished as dearly for the
earthly sensuality and eroticism of his love poetry as
for his statements of political belief. To know this
work, then is to understand the poet's art more
thoroughly.This bilingual edition of ''One Hundred Love
Sonnets'' reproduces the text of the 1959 Spanish
original en face with Stephen Tapscott's graceful
English translation. Associate professor of literature
at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tapscott is a
widely published poet who brings to this work the
sensitivity of the creative artist as well as the skills
of the accomplished translator. |
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