Santa Fe, NM
Luke Scarola
Nate Newton
Caleb Scofield
Santos Montaño
Aaron Turner
1999-A monkey is seen sitting on a bench in Santa Fe, NM eating figs or dates, wearing a diaper.
1999-on a train from XXXXXXX to XXXXX, Santos XXXXXXX meets Dr.
Aaron XXXXXX. The two are overheard talking in a very identifiable
code, and shaking hands upwards of 12 times an hour. XXXXXXX leaves the
train in XXXXX, while XXXXXX takes the vessel all the way to XXXXXX
with a XXXX in his possession.
1[zasłonięte]999-20-all is still
2000-the audio pamphlet “a sound wave replication dissertation on
alien simian technology in 13 chapters: meditations in B” is leaked
through a small cultish publishing house in XXXXXX.
2000-XXXXXXX and XXXXXX are monitored very closely by the XXXXXX,
and a secret brain trust called the XXXXXXXXX is assembled to observe.
2000-Nate XXXXXX is seen leaving the XXXXXX compound with a XXXXXXX
in his possession. His dental records lead the XXXXXXXXX to believe he
is a top official with the organization.
2000-Caleb XXXXXXXX is picked up for distribution of XXXXXX. When
questioned about the XXXXXX, he gives only one word answers, and that
word is XXXXX. He is released on $XXXXXXXXX bail, and quickly vanishes.
2000-a minister in the church of XXXXXX is exiled from XXXXXXX. His
views on XXXXXXX are deemed to controversial for the outfit. Rondo
XXXXXXXXXX takes the alias Luke XXXXXXX, and is photographed spreading
XXXXXXXXX on the XXXXXX subway system. His guerilla tactics earn him
favor with the XXXXXXXXX and he advances abnormally quickly through the
XXX ranks.
2001-what XXXXXXXXX experts call X-XXX. 2 Seminars where held via
various digital outlets, including XX, XXXXXX, and XXXXXXXXX. The
maniacal and disturbing information in the seminars spread hysteria
throughout XXXXXXXXXX, and eastern XXXXXXXXX. Eventually the info was
available XXXXXXXX and through every XXXXX in the free world. New
branches pooped up on the map every 79 seconds. XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX was on
television denying the existence of the sect within 10 days of X-XXX.
Resistance was deemed “XXXXXX”.
2002-XXX disregards their criminal celebrity and takes to the task
of personally recruiting those who they deem XXXXXX. They only are able
to make XX live appearances before narrowly escaping capture. Live
recruiting seminars are accompanied by the mini seminar Christmas Eve,
which alludes to something larger on the horizon.
2003-XXX is thought to disband, with all major participants
relocating to separate countries. Santos XXXXXXX is spotted in XXXXXX
XXXX, trading XXXXXXX children for large quantities of XXXXX. He is
photographed beating XXXXX with a length of XXXX. Authorities are
unable to apprehend XXXXXXX. Aaron XXXXXX takes the term “playboy” to a
new plateau. He takes residence in the penthouse suite at the XXXXXX in
XXX XX XXXXXX. He spends his nights in the underground casinos, with
XXXXXXXX pop star XXXXXX. He loses a fortune betting on XXXXXXXX monkey
fights. It’s there he meets Dr. Jacco Mocacco{sic}. Sinking into a
violent depression, he disappears from all XXXXXXXXX intelligence. Nate
XXXXXX renounces his activities with XXX, and sets off on a path of
readjusting to society. He works with the activist group People for the
Ethical Treatment of Hobos, or PETH. After 4 months it is uncovered he
is using the hobos to smuggle XXXXXX across the country, he disappears
from all XXXXXXXXX intelligence. Caleb XXXXXXXX returns to his child
hood obsession, the XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX of the Allogunquin National
Preserve. All surveillance of Caleb XXXXXXXX is cancelled due to
extreme conditions. The only intelligence gathered came from a team
attempting to capture a carrier pigeon. The team never even came close.
Luke XXXXXX turned to a peasants life in The XXXXXXXXXX. From what the
XXXXXXXXX gathered, he lived in a 7′ by 7′ hut, and survived on fish
and, the only thing he brought with him to the remote island, Yoohoo.
He eventually came down with island fever, and began worshiping XXXXXX.
The reports from locals of a white man on the island building a deity
out of yoohoo caps, and spitting the chocolate drink at anyone in
proximity, tipped off the XXXXXXXXX. After a 64 hour stand off out side
his hut, he was captured, only to escape 20 minutes after being held in
a XXXXXXXX jail.
2004-communicating through primitive channels, the group shares a
more singular view of their Jihad. Each member constructs his own
thesis, and the result is what has become known as Christmas. Out
selling the Bible 7-1, Christmas has become the New Worlds answer to
all questions. The government headquarters of XXXXXXXXX was torn down
by elated followers, and agents ceremonially burned. XXX was becoming
too large to control. Top ranking members are urged to hide their
identities from their own followers, for their own safety.
2005-all activity ceases. All is quiet.
2006-the XXXXXXXXXX anticipates further activity, although no
members can be located, which seems only to spread fear throughout XXX