Lightweight Design
Aside from the sleek, lightweight design, the GlasstromTM Audio/ Video Headset is compact, foldable, and made of a durable magnesium alloy.
HiFi Stereo Sound with 3 Modes
The personal headphones deliver full stereo sound and with Mega Bass® Sound and Surround Sound. The Automatic Volume Limiter System smoothes out volume levels by reducing sudden peaks in sound.
52" Virtual Viewing
GlasstronTM Audio/Video Headset reproduces the feel of viewing a 132 cm television from approximately 2 m away. Turn it up, and surround yourself with complete audio-visual entertainment.
Video Playback
Play back from any NTSC source, such as a VCR, DVD Player, Video Walkman® Personal Stero, or Camcorder, using stanfard phono connections.
Color/Hue/Brightness Control
This allows you to adjust color, hue, and brightness levels to suit your personal preference.
Indoor Outdor Use
For optimum outdoor viewing, use the supplied sun shade and adjustable screen modes.
Various Viewing Modes
Open the shutter to let the outside environment in, for a "see through" effect. Or, keep the shutter closed, for a more enhanced "in the theater" experience.
Adjustable Head Support System
Adjustable straps allow you to personalize the fit of your GlasstronTM. Audio/Video Headset for comfortable viewing.
AC or InfoLithiumTM Battery Operation
Use the supplied AC adapter or an optional Sony InfoLithium battery.