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O'Hanlon IN TROUBLE AGAIN Orinoko Amazonka Podróż

19-01-2012, 13:35
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Redmond O'Hanlon, FRGS, FRSL (born 5 June 1947) is a British writer and scholar.

O'Hanlon was born in 1947 in Dorset, England. He was educated at Marlborough College and then Oxford University. After taking his M.Phil. in nineteenth-century English studies in 1971 he was elected senior scholar, and in 1974 Alistair Horne Research Fellow, at St. Anthony's College, Oxford. He completed his doctoral thesis, Changing scientific concepts of nature in the English novel, 1[zasłonięte]850-19, in 1977.

From 1970-74, O'Hanlon was a member of the literature panel of the Arts Council of Great Britain.[1]

He was elected a member of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History in 1982, a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in 1984 and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1993. For fifteen years he was the natural history editor of the Times Literary Supplement.[citation needed]

O'Hanlon has become known for his journeys into some of the most remote jungles of the world,[1] in Borneo, the Amazon basin and Congo. He has also written a harrowing account of a trip to the North Atlantic on a trawler.

Between September 2009 and May 2010, Redmond O'Hanlon was a guest and co-presenter on the programme Beagle: In Darwin's wake[2] for both Canvas in Belgium and VPRO Television in the Netherlands. In the programme, the clipper Stad Amsterdam re-traced the route that Charles Darwin took aboard HMS Beagle (1831–36), a journey that played a seminal role in his thinking on evolution.

He attended the Science & Technology Summit at the World Forum Convention Center in The Hague on 18 November 2010. Fellow Beagle shipmate Sarah Darwin was another featured guest at this convention.

  • Charles Darwin 1[zasłonięte]809-18: A Centennial Commemoration (1982) (contributor)
  • Joseph Conrad and Charles Darwin: The Influence of Scientific Thought on Conrad's Fiction (1984)
  • Into the Heart of Borneo (1984)
  • In Trouble Again: A Journey Between the Orinoco and the Amazon (1988)
  • Congo Journey (1996)
  • No Mercy: A Journey Into the Heart of the Congo (1997)
  • Trawler (2005)
  • Orkney Announced for 2008, as yet unpublished (2011)
  • [with Rudy Rotthier] God, Darwin en natuur (2009), English translation: The Fetish Room (2011)


The author traveled uncharted rivers in a dugout canoe, on a four-month journey to Venezuelan Amazonia. His intention: to meet--and "party" with--the Yanomami tribe, reputedly the most violent people on earth. "His descriptions of landscape and animals are superb . . . O'Hanlon's approach to travel borders on the lunatic,"


O'Hanlon takes us into the bug-ridden rain forest between the Orinoco and the Amazon -- infested with jaguars and piranhas, where men would kill over a bottle of ketchup and where the locals may be the most violent people on earth (next to hockey fans).


I wouldn't travel with Redmond O'Hanlon personally, although I'm quite happy to be a vicarious companion. And judging from O'Hanlon's opener here--where he tries to find someone to accompany him in his latest foray--it seem that my opinion is shared by O'Hanlon's friends. Except for one--who is shown to be under a mistaken impression about what a jaunt down the Amazon is like, not to mention having Redmond O'Hanlon planning the trip.

The title aptly describes the action. If you read O'Hanlon's Into the Heart of Borneo, this book follows without nary a break. While it doesn't have quite the originality of the first book, it doesn't fail to fulfill the promise of that book either. O'Hanlon's a little bit wiser, but still as trusting and stubborn. He presses on in circum- stances where most would have turned around--things like the fiercest tribe of natives in the world, torrential rainfall (not to be trifled with, especially on a river), and rapids in which he is dumped and unable to escape until a mile or so down river.

The best thing about O'Hanlon--although the amazing trips he takes are worthwhile in and of themselves--is the companions that he does manage to take. I'm not talking about the physical companions, who do provide humorous interludes, but the ones that are to be found in the books--the explorers who have traveled this route before. Rather than just supplying a bibliography, O'Hanlon uses them to annotate his own trip. An adventurer and a scholar, O'Hanlon's one of the best.

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