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Obroża antyszczekowa PETTAGS dla psów pow. 12 kg

29-05-2012, 13:34
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 150 zł      Najwyzsza cena licytacji: 150 zł     
Użytkownik lepskid
numer aukcji: 2326146893
Miejscowość Legionowo
Kupiono sztuk: 1    Licytowało: 1    Wyświetleń: 31   
Koniec: 19-05-2012 20:03:13

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Proponujemy zakup obroży antyszczekowej firmy Pettags

dla psów o wadze pow. 12 kg.

Obroża jest w swoim działaniu łagodna i delikatna ale efektywna .

To w zasadzie 2 urządzenia w jednym .

Dwie metody działania :

- dźwiękowa

- wibracyjna

pozwalają dostosować bezstresowo metodę wygodniejszą do zaakceptowania dla Twojego pupila .

Metoda głosowa polega na wysyłaniu dźwięków o wysokiej częstotliwości ,

uruchamianych poprzez szczekanie .

Podobnie w wariancie wibracyjnym .

Ponadto w obroży znajduje się 3 - stopniowy regulator ( low , medium , high )

którym w zależności od potrzeb , regulujemy natężenie dźwięku lub poziom wibracji .

Nylonowa obroża jest miękka ale mocna .

Nie używamy jej jednocześnie z innymi obrożami .

Obroża sprowadzona z USA.

Oto niektóre opinie :

Works great!, September 13, 2010

I work late and have a very smart 75 lb. German Shepherd who would bark incessantly when I wasn't home. After using this product for a month, at first on medium vibrate now on low, the problem barking has completely stopped. She still barks at the mail man and when somebody knocks at the door, but just once or twice. This product has given my neighborhood peace and me the confront of mind that I still have a guard dog who will bark if there is really something wrong. As an added bonus it has made her less aggressive when playing with other dogs. She used to growl and play fight really rough with other dogs which sometimes would turn into a real fight but it hasn't happened since i got the collar. I think it is enough of an annoyance and/or distraction to prevent her from taking things too far. A fantastic product.

Great relief, excellent product that worked from the first minute!, May 20, 2011

I have already tried this on a mixed female and on a great pyrenees male (this means the collar was tried on a very large dog) and it really did worked. I tried it once on each and I haven't had the need to use it again yet, for now they've understood they have to behave. I tried it only on the sonic mode but on the high setting. I didn't wanted to risk and having them barking all night again, I don't know if it would've worked on the low or medium setting... I don't really car to try them anymore, high worked and that does it!

Dogs did get disturbed by the sound, but that's why they stop barking and the point of getting the collar. I don't like the shock type, I love my dogs and wouldn't like them to be hurt or burned by an electric shock. I think this is the easiest and humane way to have them stop barking and I didn't had to go out and yell at them to stop. This helps on the relationship with your dog.

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