Ozone Edge 2012 nowy +bar , leash ,pompka i plecak
Ozone Edge 2012 13m - Nowy
zestaw zawiera : latawiec , Bar ,leash, Plecakz Ozone, zestaw naprawczy,pompka

w rozmiarach: • 7m, 9m,11m •13m
Using the foundations of the 2012 design, we have taken the new Edge to an even higher level. Incorporating only 5 struts for weight savings and increased canopy flex, this has resulted in faster handling, reduced drag, improved lift and better up & down wind performance.
EDGE Design & Performance Features >>
- New 5 strut construction for weight savings & increased canopy flex
- New high volume inflate/deflate valve for quicker setup and pack down
- New tip line guard and leading edge ends
- New strut construction for improved canopy stability
- New Contact Water Control System
- 4-line pulley-less system (no pulleys, no problems)
- Insane upwind and downwind abilities
- Extreme hang-time and lift
- Huge de-power range
- Comparable feeling throughout the size range
- One-Pump system for quick and easy setup
- 2 trimming options for customized handling and bar pressure
- Color coded and numbered fool proof line connectors
EDGE Construction Features >>
- New internal reinforcements for improved durability
- Exceptional hand checked Ozone factory construction using the highest quality materials
- Teijin Techno Force sail material
- Dimension Polyant Dacron for the LE & Struts
- Double stitched bonded seams
- Dacron reinforced tip area for load distribution
- Reinforced leading edge and struts in high stress areas
- Reinforced trailing edge
- Light weight & low profile aerodynamic leading edge scuff pads
- Unique bladder construction with double layer section in wear areas
- Ozone warranty and back-up service guaranteed

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