Przedmiotem sprzedaży są bardzo ładne nagrywarki Quanta Storage QSI SDW-082 Double Layer. Nagrywarki są niemal jak nowe,na pewno były zamontowane w laptopie w celu gruntownego sprawdzenia.Udzialam na nie gwarancję pisemną na okres 6 MIESIĘCY.Produkt OEM w folii,bez panelu.SPecyfikacja:
The SDW-082(DVD+/-RW Drive) is slim internal type, weight 225g, with steel top cover and aluminum bottom top. The other one weight only 180 g for aluminum top case. The SDW-082 is with only 12.7mm high. It is IDE/ATAPI interface DVD+R/RW recordable drive, enables to write DVD R/RW discs as well CD-R/RW discs and can perform as a regular DVD-ROM drive. The SDW-082 has 8X speed DVD+R disc writing, 8X speed DVD-R disc writing, 2.4X speed DVD+R DL (Dual layer) disc writing, 4X speed DVD+RW disc writing, 4X speed DVD-RW disc writing, 24X speed CD-R disc writing, 24X speed CD-RW disc writing, 8X speed DVD-R and 24X speed CD-ROM disc reading capabilities. Furthermore, the SDW-082 supports all writing methods specified in industry standards and the functions of writing conform to them.
CD ROM : 650 MB (mode 1, 12cm disk)
DVD ROM : 4.7 GB (mode 1, 12cm disk)
Transfer Rate
CD ROM : 3.6 MB/s max(read)
DVD ROM : 10.56 MB/s max(read)
CD Write Speed : 3.6 MB/s
DVD Write Speed : 10.56 MB/s
Diameter 12 cm and 8 cm Voltage DC + 5V ± 5%
Current 1.5 A (max) Dimnsion 128.0x12.7x129.0(mm)
Access Time
CD ROM : 130 ms(typical)
DVD ROM : 130 ms(typical)
Aluminum : 180 gm
Metal : 225 gm
MTBF 60,000 POH (20 % duty) Temperature
Operation : 5 to 50 °C
Non-Operation : -40 to 65 °C
Faktura na życzenie,kontakt: mejl , gsm 791-[zasłonięte]-377