 Oferta Firmy mediaTRY Hurt-Detal
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Kupując u nas, kupujesz w legalnie działającej firmie mediaTRY Hurt-Detal. Biuro Handlowe firmy mieści się w Wołominie
Firma Mediatry Hurt-Detal działa na rynku elektroniki, IT i urządzeń biurowych. Cenimy sobie przywiązanie do dobrej marki i dlatego z przekonaniem oferujemy produkty: A4TECH, Media-Tech, Logitech, Brother, Canon, HP, Epson, Panasonic, Philips, TDK, Verbatim, Sharp, XEROX, które słyną z niezawodności i wysokiej precyzji wykonania. Zaspokajając tradycyjne przyzwyczajenia Klientów, są jednocześnie produktami o bardzo zaawansowanej technologii. Firma Mediatry Hurt-Detal oferuje produkty renowowanych firm w najlepszej cenie. Kupując u nas masz pewność że towar jest zgodny z opisem i dotrze do Ciebie najszybciej jak to tylko możliwe.
Ratiotec T 200
Professional bank note counting machines for bank notes |
Simultaneous counting and testing of counterfeit money (T 250) |
High capacity, counts up to 1,000 notes/minute |
Large screen for direct display of the counted bank notes |
Compact format, easy to transport |
ratiotec rapidcount T 200 (ratt200 - 46401) Counting machine, bank notes, pre sorted (Euro notes), counting rate: up to 1.000 notes/Min., incl.: batch-function, authenticity check (UV, IR, MG-characteristics), dimensions (WxHxD): 270x220x330mm
Na życzenie wystawię inny model.
While the T 200 reliably counts pre-sorted bank notes and shows the quantities in the display, the T 250 also processes unsorted bank notes by scanning the information of the magnetic thread. Both models have an extensive counterfeit tester for bank notes, according to UV, infrared and magnetic codes (T 250 – Security Level 3). This extensive combined testing provides your customers with secure protection from counterfeit money and an investment with added value. The compact housing with dimensions of only 24x29x25 cm allows the device to be utlilised in cramped conditions and also easily transported and flexibly used within companies and retail shops. The rapidcount T-series processes medium to large quantities of bank notes quickly and with high security. Through the powerful bank note feeder, not only can 300 bank notes be loaded at a time, but they can also be added during operation. At up to 1,000 bank notes /minute, the total daily receipts are counted within seconds.