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Novell GroupWise 7 Administrator Solutions Guide

09-03-2012, 20:17
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Koniec: 09-03-2012 17:59:23

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2005
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By Tay Kratzer.
Published by Novell Press.
Series: Novell Press

ISBN-10: 0[zasłonięte]672-328-0; ISBN-13: 978-0[zasłonięte]672-328-9; Published: Oct 31, 2005; Copyright 2006; Dimensions 7" x 9"; Pages: 936; Edition: 1st.

Book Description

Novell GroupWise 7 Administrator Solutions Guide is the authoritative guide for successfully administrating and maintaining the newest release of Novell's communication and collaboration solution. Author Tay Kratzer, a Novell Premium Service-Primary Support Engineer, will provide you with insider tips on administration solutions, proven information on how to work with GroupWise 7, and techniques for troubleshooting this latest release of GroupWise not available in the standard GroupWise 7 documentation. Amongst many other things, this guide will cover:

  • GroupWise Architecture
  • Using GroupWise System Operations
  • Installing and Configuring the GroupWise Internet Agent
  • Moving Resources, Distribution Lists and Libraries
  • Troubleshooting Message Flow
  • Securing your GroupWise System via SSL
  • Creating a Backup Solution for GroupWise
  • Creating a Solution to Administer a GroupWise System from a Linux Workstation

Master the management and administration of GroupWise 7 with Novell GroupWise 7 Administrator's Guide.