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Noun Phrase structure in Old English

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Noun Phrase structure in Old English

Wydawca: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Autorzy: Artur Bartnik
ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]70218
Wydanie: 1
Stron: 210
Oprawa: miękka
Kod: KULW-0450
Noun Phrase structure in Old English

ContentsAcknowledgementsAbbreviationsIntroduction1. Introductory remarks2. Terminology3. Scope of the work4. Data5. Framework6. Organization of the workChapter 1: The functional structure of Determiner Phrase1. Introduction2. The structure of Determiner Phrase2.1. Introduction2.2. Is there a Determiner Phrase in Old English?2.2.1. No Determiner Phrase hypothesis2.2.2. Problems with the Determiner Phrase-less hypothesis2.3. Arguments for the Determiner Phrase hypothesis2.3.1. Word order2.3.2. Movement within Determiner Phrase2.3.3. Argument structure2.4. Summary3. The structure of Quantifier Phrase3.1. Introduction3.2. Is there a Quantifier Phrase in Old English?3.2.1. No Quantifier Phrase hypothesis3.2.2. Problems with the Quantifier Phrase-less hypothesis3.3. The syntactic nature of Quantifier Phrase3.4. Summary4. Other functional categories4.1. Introduction4.2. Number Phrase in Old English4.3. Kase Phrase in Old English5. Summary and conclusionsChapter 2: Non-floating structures1. Introduction2. Peripheral positions2.1. Introduction2.2. Predeterminer position2.2.1. Quantifiers2.2.2. Numerals and other predeterminer constituents2.2.3. Pronominal structures2.3. Postnominal position2.3.1. Quantifiers2.3.2. Numerals and other postnominal constituents2.4. Summary3. Postdeterminer position3.1. Introduction3.2. Quantifiers3.3. Numerals and other postdeterminer constituents3.4. Quantifier and numeral combinations3.5. Summary4. Determiner position4.1. Introduction4.2. Possessives-determiners4.3. Determiners-possessives4.4. Analysis4.5. Residual structures4.6. Summary5. Summary and conclusionsChapter 3: Floating structures1. Introduction2. Previous analyses of floating quantifiers2.1. Introduction2.2. Stranding analysis2.3. Adverbial analysis2.4. Summary3. Syntactic structure of the Old English clause4. Floating quantifiers in Old English4.1. Introduction4.2. Floating non-nominative quantifiers: leftward movement4.2.1. Topicalization with full-Determiner Phrases4.2.2. Topicalization with pronominal elements4.2.3. Quantifiers topicalized4.2.4. Against the topicalization analysis4.2.5. Scrambling with full Determiner Phrases4.2.6. Scrambled pronouns4.2.7. Scrambled quantifiers4.2.8. Against the scrambling hypothesis4.3. Floating non-nominative quantifiers: rightward movement4.3.1. Verb projection raising4.3.2. Other rightward movement structures4.4. Further problems for the movement analysis4.5. Summary5. ConclusionsConclusions1. Data interpretation2. Scope of the workReferences

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