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WYSYŁKA Wysyłka standardowa firmą:
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Powieść o zadziwiającej kobiecie, która odważnie stawia czoło niebezpieczeństwom, ale boi się miłości. Phoebe Mac Namara jako policyjny negocjator zostaje wezwana do mężczyzny zamierzającego skoczyć z dachu. Dzięki sile spokoju i zręcznie prowadzonej rozmowie udaje jej się odwieść niedoszłego samobójcę od odebrania sobie życia oraz ... zauroczyć pewnego przystojnego bogacza. Pani porucznik, która na co dzień świetnie radzi sobie w sytuacjach krytycznych, nie wie, jak zachować się w obliczu uczucia. Jak połączyć intensywne, pełne przygód życie zawodowe, rodzinne i miłość?
Police Lieutenant Phoebe MacNamara found her calling at an early age when an unstable man broke into her family's home, trapping and terrorizing them for hours. Now she's Savannah's top hostage negotiator, defusing powderkeg situations with a talent for knowing when to give in-andwhen to jump in and take action. It's satisfying work-and sometimes those skills come in handy at home dealing with her agoraphobic mother, still traumatized by the break-in after all these years, and her precocious seven-year-old, Carly. It's exactly that heady combination of steely courage and sensitivity that first attracts Duncan Swift to Phoebe. After observing her coax one of his employees down from a roof ledge, he is committed to keeping this intriguing, take-charge woman in his life. She's used to working solo, but Phoebe's discovering that no amount of negotiation can keep Duncan at arm's length. And when she's grabbed by a man who throws a hood over her head and brutally assaults her-in her own precinct house-Phoebe can't help but be deeply shaken. Then threatening messages show up on her doorstep, and she's not just alarmed but frustrated. How do you go face-to-face with an opponent who refuses to look you in the eye? Now, with Duncan backing her up every step of the way, she must establish contact with the faceless tormentor who is determined to make her a hostage to fear . . . before she becomes the final showdown.