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Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: A Continuum Approach for Enineering: A Continuum Approach for Engineering




Author: Gerhard Holzapfel
Language: English
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publication Date: 25 Feb 2000
Dimensions: 2.6 x 16.7 x 24 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 470
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: A471DBC198



Nonlinear Solid Mechanics a Continuum Approach for Engineering Gerhard A. Holzapfel Graz University of Technology, Austria With a modern, comprehensive approach directed towards computational mechanics, this book covers a unique combination of subjects at present unavailable in any other text. It includes vital information on ′variational principles′ constituting the cornerstone of the finite element method. In fact this is the only method by which Nonlinear Solid Mechanics is utilized in engineering practice. The book opens with a fundamental chapter on vectors and tensors. The following chapters are based on nonlinear continuum mechanics – an inevitable prerequisite for computational mechanicians. In addition, continuum field theory (applied to a representative sample of hyperelastic materials currently used in nonlinear computations such as incompressible and compressible materials) is presented, as are transversely isotropic materials, composite materials, viscoelastic materials and hyperelastic materials with isotropic damage. Another central chapter is devoted to the thermodynamics of materials, covering both finite thermoelasticity and finite thermoviscoelasticity. Also included are: ∗ an up–to–date list of almost 300 references and a comprehensive index ∗ useful examples and exercises for the student ∗ selected topics of statistical and continuum thermodynamics. Furthermore, the principle of virtual work (in both the material and spatial descriptions) is compared with two and three–field variational principles particularly designed to capture kinematic constraints such as incompressibility. All of the features combined result in an essential text for final year undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers in mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering and applied maths and physics.




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