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Nicodemus The Roman Years of Michelangelo Renesans

22-05-2014, 1:15
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 49.99 zł     
Użytkownik musaion
numer aukcji: 4174440833
Miejscowość Wierzbica
Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 22-05-2014 01:06:16

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Waga (z opakowaniem): 0.80 [kg]
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1984
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
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Sidney Alexander


The Roman Years of Michelangelo


Ohio University Press 1984

Stron 293, format: 16x24 cm


Książka jest nowa



The Roman Years of Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1[zasłonięte]534-15


With the publication of Nicodemus, Sidney Alexander triumphantly completes the trilogy of historical novels based on the life and times of Michelangelo Buonarroti (1[zasłonięte]475-15) on which the author has been working over the past three decades. Newsweek called Michelangelo the Florentine (1957) "the most impressive historical novel of the year." The New York Times Book Review called The Hand of Michelangelo (1966) "believable, serious, and honest...a convincing characterization of a truculent, contradictory man who created so many astonishing masterpieces and left so many others uncompleted'.'

Like its predecessors, the present volume, icodemus, is conceived of as an autonomous work yet related to the other panels of this triptych. The author employs the form of the historical novel in order to project most dramatically the rigorously-researched source materials.This is history by immersion, not explanation.

The last thirty years of Michelangelo's life were spent in Rome and in the service of five popes, creating the frescoes of the Last Judgement and the Pauline Chapel, the architecture of St. Peter's, the Nicodemus and Rondanini Pietas, together with the ever-continuing corpus of drawings and the astonishing body of poetry.

Told against the background of the Rome of the Council of Trent — a theological and political response to the Lutheran challenge — Nicodemus is narrated via a series of voices: primarily that of the artist himself, alternating with Tommaso de'Cavalieri, his most devoted friend; Donato Giannotti, Florentine exile; and a Jewish physician who takes us into the world of Renaissance medicine.

In Nicodemus, the reader will relive the extraordinary artist's last thirty years: his friendships and enmities with popes, prelates and humanists; the quarrels and jealousies attendant upon the construction of the new St. Peter's; a constellation of colorful personalities like Cardinal Pole and Vittoria Colonna —all brilliantly evoked in a form which Sidney Alexander has made all his own (as the historian Garrett Mattingly wrote of the previous books).

Sidney Alexander, who has resided in Florence, Italy, for most of the past thirty years, is a widely-recognized scholar in the field of Italian Renaissance studies. His translation and critical edition of Guicciardini's History of Italy was awarded the prestigious PEN award and is the classic work in the field; his Lions and Foxes is widely used as a text. Alexander is currently adjunct professor of art history, Virginia Commonwealth University.



I Macellum Corvarium ................ 1

II Messer Tommaso de' Cavalieri......... 53

III Messer Donato Giannotti............. 85

IV Maestro Michelangiolo Buonarroti .....119

V Messer Tomao......................153

VI Messer Donato .....................167

VII Messer Michelangiolo................175

VIII Magister Elia Del Medigo.............191

IX The Old Man on the Slaughterhouse of the Crows ........231

X Tomao............................255

XI Michelangiolo......................259

XII The Homecoming...................279

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