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New Zealand Handbook (Footprint Handbook)




Author: Darroch Donald
Language: English
Publisher: Footprint Travel Guides
Publication Date: 30 Nov 2010
Dimensions: 3.5 x 12.1 x 18.6 cm
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 744
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: 19A7B6C101



Packed with detailed information, no stone is left unturned to bring you everything that New Zealand has to offer in a durable, lightweight guidebook. From the spectacular Waitangi Treaty Grounds to the massive wilderness of Doubtful Sound, this guide provides extensive, thoroughly researched information which will help you plan your trip as well as advise you on the ground. The Essentials section provides great advice on how to get there and how to get around as well as information on sleeping, eating, drinking and shopping giving you an idea of what you can expect to pay. The heart of the guide is broken in to the key regions of New Zealand and gives you comprehensive information on each of the regions from the Southland and the Fjords to Auckland and Northland. Each regional section has an overview map, local information on how to get around with transport and street maps where relevant, a short history of the region, thorough advice on what to see and do and a directory of key local information on banks, embassies, internet cafes, medical and even laundry services. There is a full-colour mini atlas which has maps of each region to help you get your bearings and a distance chart so you can plan your journeys. New Zealand is the perfect remedy for anyone wanting to truly escape from it all. With stunning natural beauty aplenty, from its swathes of empty beaches, to mountaintops and fjords there is something here for everyone. Footprint's fully updated 5th edition New Zealand Handbook will show you how to make the most of both the north and south islands. With extensive listings of all the fantastic adventure activities and sports on offer, this guide will inspire anyone wanting to get the most from nature's playground.




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