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New York / Nowy Jork Step by Step - Insight Guides

28-01-2012, 6:41
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Koniec: 28-01-2012 06:41:52

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2009
Język: angielski
Typ publikacji: przewodnik
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New York Step by Step - Insight Guides

Take a fresh approach to New York with this "Step by Step" guide, part of a brand new, stylishly designed series from Insight Guides. Lavishly illustrated in full colour, this book features 18 irresistible self-guided walks and tours, written by a local expert and packed with great insider tips. Whether you are new to the city or a repeat visitor, whatever your interests, and however long your stay, this book is the perfect companion, showing you the smartest way to link the sights and taking you beyond the beaten tourist track. All the walks and tours come with clear, easy-to-follow full-colour maps and hand-picked places to eat and drink en route. A 'Key Facts' box at the start of each tour highlights the recommended time needed to enjoy it to the full, plus the distance covered and a start and end point; all this makes it simple to find the perfect tour for the time you have to spare. The book also recommends top tours by theme and includes a special 'Only in' feature, highlighting a number of experiences or attractions that are unique to the destination. In addition, it has background information on food, drink and shopping, plus a Directory section with a clearly organised A-Z list of practical information and hotel and restaurant listings to suit all budgets. The guide also comes with a free pull-out map, complete with street index and with the walks and tours clearly marked. This map is great for use both with and without the main book.

Tytuł: New York Step by Step
Autor: praca zbiorowa, red. John Gattuso
Wydawca: Insight Guides
Ilość stron: 128 + plan miasta
Oprawa: miękka
Rok wydania: 2009
Stan: nowa

New York / Nowy Jork Step by Step - Insight Guides

Telefon: 693 [zasłonięte] 94 57

E-mail: [zasłonięte]@gmail.com


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