Ever since the late 1960s when Yves Saint Laurent presented African-inspired collections, the textiles, details, and colours of Africa have moved into the realm of high fashion. In the past few years, young designers from the continent itself have emerged as people to watch in the fashion world. In New African Fashion I offer a brief history of African fashion, beauty and style, follow its influence on modern designers, and spotlights the best designers, photographers and models from across the continent and the African diaspora. Profiling popular lines such as Duro Olowu, Jewel by Lisa, Black Coffee, and Eric Raisina, the book explores the myriad reasons why African fashion is having its moment in the sun. I show how designers are looking beyond cliches of the African aesthetic by embracing both traditional and contemporary fabrics and garments, and discuss how the passion for ethically and environmentally conscious clothing is fueling this trend. As colourful and exciting as the fashions it features, this volume will appeal to anyone interested in following the world's most exciting new fashion development.